Maj, Beata2019-06-072019-06-072011Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2011, nr 3, s. 9-36.1643-8299 modern family is undergoing many changes. The definitions of a family and marriage that have been used so far are no longer in step with the current reality. The traditional model of a patriarchal family is sinking into oblivion. Postmodernity has proved that nowadays it is possible to live outside marriage and family. We are witnessing the forming of a new model of a father and a mother as well as a husband and a wife. Today’s pluralism and a great deal of tolerance for different lifestyles cause confusion among those who are used to the old ways. What can be seen in modern family life is an increase in requirements related to its quality. Each family member has their own concept of family. Family world is becoming multiversion. Formally, marriage was above an individual. Today, marriage is an individual’s design and a dynamic project that can be carried out in a number of variants. In my thesis I am trying to present a family as seen by selected inhabitants of Wadowice district. It is true, there is no single recipe for a happy and attractive family. Everybody has their own vision of happiness and family attraction.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskaimportance of marriage and familydefinitions of marriage and family functioning familythe attractiveness of marriage and familysocial and cultural transformation familyPedagogikaPsychologiaSocjologiaRola małżeństwa i rodziny w życiu człowieka (na podstawie badań zrealizowanych wśród mieszkańców powiatu wadowickiego)Artykuł