McClay, Wilfred M.2019-04-292019-04-292009Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2009, nr 2, s. 147-158.1733-2680"In the immediate wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Americans suddenly found themselves faced with an unexpected choice between radically different perspectives on the proper place of religion in modern Western society. The alternative perspectives were not new. But the urgency with which they were felt, and the intensity with which they were articulated, marked a dramatic departure. Coming at a moment when Americans had been gradually rethinking many settled precedents regarding religion and public life, it seemed to give a sharper edge to the questions being asked."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaAmerican Civil Religion9/11the terrorist attacksIslamdualismHistoriaKulturoznawstwoPolitologiaThe soul of a nation: American Civil Religion after 9/11Artykuł