Stawarz-Popek, Kinga2019-06-072019-06-072011Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2011, nr 3, s. 125-140.1643-8299 for millennia operate alongside humans. The presence of these animals, by its universality, usually does not raise research vigilance. Meanwhile, the relationship human–dog could provide an additional resource supporting various forms and areas of human existence. However, to make this possible in a benefi cial manner to all concerned parties, it is worth to analyze already existing phenomenons. Especially those related to the functioning of the family.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskafamilypeople and dogsrelationshipsPedagogikaPsychologiaSocjologiaRodzina z czworonogiem. Wybrane przejawy relacji człowiek–piesArtykuł