Powązka, MarcelinaKarbowska, MartaGrzeszczuk, MaciejGieysztor, Ewa2024-09-022024-09-022024W: Family - Health - Disease. (red.) Filip Gołkowski, Grażyna Dębska. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2024, s. 169-190.978-83-67491-41-9http://hdl.handle.net/11315/31348Introduction: Healthy child development is vital for their future. Neglecting care can harm development and physical health. Parental awareness and early detection of abnormalities can prevent later issues. Our study aims to assess parental knowledge of childcare, development, and posture defects, considering factors such as education, residence, parental age and attendance at antenatal classes. Material and Methods: We used a self-administered questionnaire with demographic questions, questions that assessed knowledge, and questions about parents’ childcare practices, involving 190 participants. Results: Our research reveals insufficient parental knowledge of child development and care, with only 25.3% showing a high level of understanding and 30% showing the lowest. In childcare knowledge, 44.7% had a high level, while 33.2% had the lowest. In terms of causes of posture defect, 81.6% attributed them to incorrect posture. Conclusions: Continuous education and the promotion of antenatal schools are essential in preparing parents to conscientiously and safely support their child’s proper development.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaMedycynaZdrowieParents’ knowledge and awareness of development and care in the case of postural defects in childrenFragment książki10.34697/978-83-67491-19-8-11978-83-67491-19-8