Stolarczyk, Mieczysław2018-08-162018-11-092018-08-162018-11-092016Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2016, nr 2, s. 123-149.1733-2680 recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationThe objective of the article is to indicate similarities as well as discrepancies between the Polish and German governments’ stands on the crisis and conflict in Ukraine. The author tries to respond to the question: What will be the implications of the conflict in Ukraine for the “Eastern policy” of Poland and Germany? Will they result in the continuation of their current “Eastern policy”, its evolution or maybe they will bring an essential change to their policy in the region? In author’s opinion, taking into account significant differences between the Polish and German foreign policies towards Russia and Ukraine between 2014 and 2015 as well as before that period, the possibility for enhanced cooperation between the two governments in relation to their foreign policy towards Russia and Ukraine will continue to be remote in the upcoming years.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskastosunki polsko-niemieckie-konflikt ukraińskistosunki niemiecko-rosyjskiestosunki niemiecko-ukraińskiestosunki polsko-ukraińskiestosunki polsko-rosyjskiePolish-German relationsconfl ict in UkraineGerman-Russian relationsGerman-Ukrainian relationsPolish-Russian relationsPolish-Ukrainian relationsStosunki międzynarodowePolitologiaMożliwości współdziałania Polski i Niemiec w zakresie ich polityki wobec Rosji i UkrainyPossibilities of cooperation between Poland and Germany in the area of their foreign policy towards Russia and UkraineArtykuł2451-0610