Pera, Jacek2019-04-112019-04-112013Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2013, nr 4 s. 49-69.1733-2680 Banking Union will change the face of Europe. It will significantly deepen integration in what is arguably the key sector of the economy. For the Member States that join the Banking Union, this will mean signing up for ‘more Europe’. This will raise not only technical questions as to how Banking Union will actually work, but also political questions. These relate to how that deeper Europe should be governed and how the Banking Union will fit within the EU as a whole. Banking union consists of five elements: Regulation, Supervision, Deposit guarantees, Resolution and Liquidity provision from the Central Bank. All need to work together. Just as one needs a blueprint for the entire building before laying the foundation, so too would it be helpful to have a sense of Banking Union in its entirety before initiating the Single Supervisory Mechanism as the first instalment. Otherwise one runs the risk that Banking Union will remain partial, and that this will make things worse, not better.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaEuropean Banking Unionregulationcostsresolution fundrecommendationsBezpieczeństwo narodowe i wewnętrzneEkonomiaEnergetykaStosunki międzynarodoweUnia Bankowa – Korzyści i zagrożenia dla PolskiArtykuł