Cheng-yi, Lin2019-05-212019-05-212004Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2004, nr 1, s. 39-50.1733-2680 introduction: "In terms of population, territory, govemment, foreign relations, economic development, and democratization, and under international law, Taiwan has every right to become a member of the United Nations. Since 1993, Taipei has indicated its desire and taken the appropriate actions to join the United Nations, but Beijing has consistently blocked the campaign. After President George W. Bush was inaugurated in January 2001, Taipei was able to improve relations with the United States and gained more support for joining such international organizations as the World Health Organization (WHO). Furthermore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) initiated several reforms and broadened the traditional concept of diplomacy."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaTaiwan’s CampaignUnited Nations ParticipationTaipeiChen Shui-bianKulturoznawstwoReligioznawstwoSocjologiaStosunki międzynarodoweTaiwan’s Campaign for United Nations ParticipationArtykuł