Matte, James Allan2024-07-192024-07-192024European Polygraph 2024, nr 1, s. 47-54.1898-5238"Dear Editor: This critique in the form of a letter-to-the-editor is in response to the publication of the fourth edition of the Terminology Reference for the Science of Psychophysiological Detection of Deception, hereafter referred to as Terminology Reference, authored by Donald Krapohl, Mark Handler and Michael Lynch published by the American Polygraph Association in 2022."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskacritiqueletter to the editorTerminology ReferenceAPAAmerican Polygraph AssociationPrawoA Letter to the Editor Regarding the APA’s Terminology Reference for the Science of Psychophysiological Detection of DeceptionArtykuł2380-055010.2478/ep-2024-0004