Grabiński, TadeuszKrupa, MarianPękala, MaciejUryga, RenataSorkowska-Cieślak, KingaWoźniak-Zapór, MartaGrzyb, MariuszRymarczyk, SebastianKurnik, KrystianHuszlak, WojciechMaj, BernardSzepski, Marek2021-12-172021-12-172020978-83-65548-83-2 We are pleased to present a monograph addressing key issues in contemporary management – information systems. Nowadays, many organizations face challenges of digital transformation and analysis of the large databases containing billions of records become the necessity of the day and the key factor of success. Organizations not able to cope with the digital world become obsolete and melt away. The publication invokes various aspects of the social importance of information within different organizations. The following issues resound in the monograph: how to exploit Business Intelligent class systems into the efficient management system for decision-making. A key factor in the competitiveness of modern organizations is the ability to transform business data, both in operational and strategic terms, into decision-making knowledge. It is an extremely complex process from the perspective of both the selection of variables, optimization formulas and the quality of data obtained to perform a reliable analysis and diagnosis. Another completely different issue is selecting, acquiring, and implementing technological solutions and providing adequate “know-how” in managing such a project, which significantly affects the outcome. The crucial question is to what extent can modern organizations, regardless of the scale of their activity or sector affiliation, use modern system solutions, with particular emphasis on Business Intelligence solutions, in terms of supporting the process of efficient decision making? The first part of the publication covers the characteristics of BI solutions in the context of knowledge management; analysis of the conditions in the selection of the system and supplier; comments on the implementation methodology of the BI class system, usability assessment of the above solutions, including a description of the advantages and disadvantages of “on-premise” applications, as well as the so-called “Cloud technologies”. The Authors employ the SAP Analytics Cloud system to illustrate BI solutions in the data processing. The second chapter refers to the very broad problem of the materiality and relevance of the information. In today’s online world, there is much more data to be processed and accessible to different parties like entrepreneurs, managers or clients. Companies have never had so much information at their disposal. When segmenting consumer data (cookies), online habits can be read by checking the pages they visit, the information they stop at, and the products they are seeking. It’s easy to find anything online because everyone can create and load data on the Internet. In turn, it shapes the environment in which companies can carefully select and adapt the message to a specific user to be as convincing as possible. All our movements leave a trace on the web, which is later used to define our behaviour, likes, preferences, etc. The second chapter presents the aspect of the possibility of collecting information cookies, as well as the Internet media used in marketing activities. It shows what information can be read from the visited pages and how data analysis supports the decision-making process. Last but not least, it also addresses the issue of the current state of website privacy protection. The next chapter brings closer the problem of museum e-shop. This part presents a qualitative research method on online museum stores on the example of 30 Polish museums with the highest attendance in 2017. The study showed that not all museums have online stores in the online version, and the biggest problem is the low percentage of e-stores enabling electronic payments. The problem is carried forward by the analysis of the usability of museum websites. Another issue invoked in the monograph is the e-learning technique. For example, how simulating programs, knowledge pills, or gamification can enrich the learning experience. Each of these methods is or may be used in education, and each has its advantages and drawbacks. The publication put special emphasis on knowledge pills, which are a relatively new, fast and effective way of communicating small but properly selected pieces of knowledge on a given topic. Due to the method of knowledge sharing is delivered when it is most needed. The last chapter presents considerations on the possibility of using knowledge pills as tools supporting the management of knowledge transfer with the use of materials developed in this form. It also shows the research results on knowledge pills carried out among students of senior high school years. We trust that our publication will attract all readers interested in management, education and computer science. Passionate Authors prepared the monograph, and we do hope that the monograph will be able to infect readers with this passion.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskazarządzanie i jakośćzarządzanie jakościązarządzanie projektem informatycznymsystem informatyczny wspomagający zarządzaniesystemy BI wspomagające podejmowanie decyzjizarządzanie jakością danychzarządzanie informacjązarządzanie wiedzązarządzanie treściąprojektowanie uniwersalnedostępność towarów i usługEdukacjaInformacja naukowa i bibliotekoznawstwoInformatykaInformatyka i ekonometriaZarządzanie i marketingSocial importance of information systems. In managementKsiążka