Milczanowski, Maciej2019-04-092019-04-092014Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2014, nr 3 s. 73-86.1733-2680 international security system can be projected and engineered in few circumstances. In general there can be internal will and capacity to build that or external actors can organize it in their favor. Situation in the Middle East is very complicated, what makes such system very unlikely to happen. The tragedy of 09/11, gave another reason to work on such system. The main issue of US Middle-Eastern policy was to deal with threats far from US territory to not let such situation happened again. The best option for that would be the building of the international system, which would stabilize the region and give the US authorities some level of control over it. If the war in Afghanistan was aimed to deter the greatest threat of main cells and centers of Al-Qaeda, then Iraqi war starting on 2003 was to build such system.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaSecurity systemUS policyMiddle East09/112001Stosunki międzynarodowePolitologiaSystem bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego na Bliskim Wschodzie po 11 września 2001 r.Artykuł