Selič, Polona2019-05-292019-05-292012European Polygraph 2012, nr 2, s. 103-116.1898-5238"Violent crime investigations are often faced with the need to bridge a shortage of information. This can, to an extent, be neutralized by the use of the profiling of unknown perpetrators of criminal offences and by polygraph examination (the credibility assessment) (Selič, Juratovec, 2004)."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskapolygraph and criminal profilingcriminal profilingpolygraph examination in SloveniaPrawoPsychologiaComplementary Use of Profiling and Polygraph Method in Slovenia During the Period 1997-2004Artykuł