Rotter, Tadeusz2019-06-042019-06-042014Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2014, nr 2, s. 101-113.1643-8299 development of horse – drawn transport, and later the development of cartage meant that diff erent groups of travelers started to participate in traffic. The size of vehicles, their engines’ power, diversity of facilities were the fi rst elements of the division into ‘the better ones’ and ‘the worse ones’. This division already caused antagonisms that inspired aggression. The second group of factors generating aggression are differences in the level of road politeness. These became particularly visible especially after transport has become international, when the phenomenon of culture mixing appeared. Finally, the third group are psychological causes that are attached to participants themselves. Symbolic selection in driving tests candidates (or, very often, lack of such selection) leads to the situation when people with no imagination and no responsibility sit behind the wheel. Unfortunately, it is impossible to eliminate the infl uence of drivers’ personal experience and personal problems on road rage. The last factor that infl uences road rage is alcoholism of traffic participants.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaaggressiontrafficKomunikacja społecznaPsychologiaSocjologiaAgresja w ruchu drogowym – aspekty psychologiczneArtykuł