Batyrov, Tamerlan Stanislavovich2021-02-082021-02-082020European Polygraph 2020, nr 2, s. 49-53.1898-5238 this article the author gives recommendations for running polygraph examinations of Islamic faith representatives during the Muslim fasting period of Ramadan based on his own practical experience and interactions with Muslim psychologists, and also analyzes examples of incorrect formulations of relevant questions on the subject of Islamic terrorism / extremism in the course of screening examinations.enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskapolygraph examinationextremismterrorism counteractionPrawoPsychologiaImportant Aspects of Polygraph Examinations of Islamic Faith PeopleArtykuł2380-055010.2478/EP-2020-0018