Bocharova, Olena2018-07-302018-11-082018-07-302018-11-082016Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2016 (XVI), nr 2, s. 111-120.1643-8299 recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationThe purpose of the article is a presentation of the work of the laboratory of students’ abilities development at Gorlovka Institute for Foreign Languages. One of the main wealth of the Ukrainian society is its intellectual potential, especially young people who can realize their creativity and professional opportunities. For the development of future talent it is necessary to create a higher education system, which could be conductive to diagnosis and support of young people, development and realization of their abilities, stimulating creative work of teachers and students, intensifi cation of scientifi c work with youth, formation of teachers and scientists. To meet this purpose the laboratory of students’ abilities was established in Gorlovka Institute for Foreign Languages, whose task is to study and create the best educational environment for the development of gifted students’ skills. To diagnose the level of language, leadership, creative and pedagogical skills special psychological methods were used, aimed at: identifying gifted and talented students; creating conditions for realization of individual creative abilities of future teachers; creating an appropriate atmosphere for the development of personal individual potential and cognitive abilities in a free choice condition; as well as the possibility of individual adapting in social and cultural sphere.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskastudencizdolnościtalentdiagnostykabadaniawarunkistudentabilitiesdiagnosticsresearchconditionsPsychologiaEdukacjaDziałalność naukowo-badawcza laboratorium rozwoju zdolności studentówResearch work of the laboratory of students’ abilities developmentArtykuł2451-0858