Lipa, Michał2019-04-122019-04-122012Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2012, nr 1, s. 63-81.1733-2680 this article I have characterized the first year of the political transformation in Egypt. The character of this process causes a lot of controversies and objections within the Egyptian society and main political groups, what – in effect – induces the situation of permanent political crisis. First of all, I have presented a very beginnings of this process, and then depicted the main political events. After that, I have marked the main political groups and characterized them aims. I have also depicted the framework of temporary political system, analyzed the parliamentary elections, characterized the problems with the presidential elections and with the drafting of a new constitution. The main thesis of this article is the assertion that the army (as main political actor) tend to exert influence on a new constitution – in order to maintain its corporatist interests and to be able to affect the Egyptian politics indirectly, what does not favour the democratization.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaMubarakEgiptprzemiany polityczneArabska Wiosnakryzys politycznywyboryHistoriaStosunki międzynarodoweBezpieczeństwo narodowe i wewnętrznePrzemiany polityczne w Egipcie po dymisjI Husniego MubarakaArtykuł