Lasoń, MarcinKlisz, MaciejReczkowski, RobertLis, AndrzejLindahl, SondreKraj, KazimierzStrzelecki, MichałGacek, ŁukaszMydel, RajmundPartow, NegarBuemberger, Raymond JohnJohanson, TerryQuero, FelipeIssa, AlexBiałas, TomaszWojcik, RaySuderio, ElmerWiśnicki, JarosławKuśmirek, KarolinaMarcinkowski, TomaszSikorski, Juliusz2021-07-302021-07-3020211899-6264 Introduction: "This issue is different from all previous ones. Thus, an introduction to it needs to be different from earlier ones. There has to be a place for reflection, which used to be included in an interview preceding academic articles. Clever readers will find out soon why this is so if they only think about the professional path of one of the editors. However, it is not the only reason. A special character of this issue is also due to the anniversary, the 20th already, of the September 11, 2001 attacks which have changed the world around us. They led it onto a new path which became the global war on international terrorism, or rather with terrorists and organisations bringing them together. The fight was joined by many states whose governments reached for armed forces, regarding this as the best tool for winning the war. They forgot that this was a way to eliminate only one generation of terrorists, but not the sources of the phenomenon which would motivate a generation after generation. For example, according to the wave theory of terrorism, those who did not participate directly in the struggle watched it carefully, and everybody felt its consequences, both as ongoing wars and their aftermath, changes in internal legislature perceived as limiting civil liberties, and terrorist attacks happening in various places. Attacks which were tragic and spectacular, but not with as many casualties as on September 11."(...)enUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskaśrodowisko bezpieczeństwaanaliza strategicznageopolitykaekonomiaspołeczeństwotechnologieśrodowisko naturalnesłowa kluczowewojnaewolucjamedia społecznościowemonopolizacja Internetustrategia bezpieczeństwa narodowegomitystereotypypolityka zagranicznapolityka bezpieczeństwasecurity environmentstrategic analysisgeopoliticseconomysocietytechnologynatural environmentCounterterrorismWarTerrorismViolenceEvaluationwarevolutionsocial mediaInternet monopolizationnational security strategymythsstereotypesforeign policysecurity policy Sicherheitsumfeldstrategische AnalyseGeopolitikWirtschaftGesellschaftTechnologieUmweltTerrorismusbekampfungKriegTerrorismusGewaltBetrachtungEntwicklungsoziale MedienMonopolisierung des Internetsnationale SicherheitsstrategieMythenStereotypenAusenpolitikSicherheitspolitik сфера безопасностистратегический анализгеополитикаэконо- микаобществотехнологияокружающая средаконтртерроризмвойнатерроризмнасилиеоценкаэволюциясоциальные сетимонополизация Интернетастратегия национальной безопасностимифыстереотипывнешняя политика и политика безопасностиBezpieczeństwo narodowe i wewnętrzneStosunki międzynarodoweBezpieczeństwo. Teoria i Praktyka 2021, nr 3 (XLIV): Wyzwania dla bezpieczeństwa w dwudziestą rocznicę zamachu na World Trade CenterSecurity theory and practice: The Age of Fear. 20 Years Lat er2451-0718