Czarny, Ryszard M.2019-04-112019-04-112013Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2013, nr 4 s. 127-145.1733-2680 goal of this work is to outline the current mutual relations between Poland and the Nordic countries, taking into consideration not only their internal differentiation but most of all the scope of their impact on the European scene and beyond. When examining Poland’s relations with the Nordic countries today, we must do so on a multifaceted level: firstly, within the bilateral dimension considering, however, the growing internal cooperation among those countries in various fields; secondly, in terms of a regional cooperation, and, thirdly, as a very important aspect of the European Union and Transatlantic policy towards the East. Hence it is in the interest of Poland to develop all structures of cooperation which bond the Baltic countries. The strengthening of the Baltic-Nordic cooperation will determine the status of Poland as an important regional center both for the EU and the contacts with Russia, Ukraine, and other countries of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskaPolandNordic countriesbilateral dimensionregional cooperationEuropean Union and Transatlantic policyBezpieczeństwo narodowe i wewnętrzneEkonomiaEnergetykaStosunki międzynarodowePolska–Kraje nordyckie: realia; możliwości; wyzwaniaArtykuł