Banasik, Katarzyna2020-02-122020-02-122007Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i materiały 2007, nr 1, s. 211-223.1689-8052 the Ministry of Justice a bill of the 20th February 2007 on the changes of the misdemeanor (contravention) law has been worked out. Today, i.e. on 4th May 2007, the bill has been accepted by the Polish government. In the report the bill regulations that show a tendency of changes in law kept by the government have been presented. These regulations have been assessed. In the report some de lege ferenda demands have been also put forward. The subject of the research constitute only some chosen regulations of the bill.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskaprawo wykroczeńkodeks wykroczeńgrzywnaMinisterstwo Sprawiedliwościdoktryna prawa karnego materialnegoPrawoWokół projektu zmian prawa wykroczeńArtykuł