Sacha, StefanSzot, Zygmunt2019-06-062019-06-062011Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2011, nr 1, s. 257-274.1643-8299 Islamic cultural domain comprises a geographical area of diverse tourist attractions and is an important destination of international tourism. At the same time, the ‘Islamic countries’, as destinations for tourism, are not free from the threats to the safety of the incoming tourists; there are numerous paradoxes that result from the fact of providing services to believers of different religions. The article is an attempt to analyse the relation between Islam and international tourism, on the examples of selected countries.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 PolskadomainIslamculturetourismPrawoTurystyka i rekreacjaKulturoznawstwoReligioznawstwoZdrowieIslamska domena kulturowa a turystyka–studium przypadkówArtykuł