Gałkowski, Stanisław2017-04-182017-04-182014W: Siedem grzechów głównych: eseje z filozofii kultury. (red.) Magdalena Żardecka-Nowak, Witold M. Nowak. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014, s. 109-126.978-83-7996-042-2 recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperThis article is an attempt to answer the following question: whether changes in culture and technology in recent times limiting (or even eliminating) food shortages resulted in the fact that condemnation of gluttony has lost its only natural justification and become purely religious norm. The thesis of this paper is that intemperance leads to a lack of autonomy of the person, and therefore to life which might be more pleasant, but at the same time life denying person’s own dignity. In this situation, the rejection of intemperance as a moral defect must refer primarily to the philosophy of personalism, which declares that the meaning of human life is the pursuit of transcendent values, and proclaims that we have moral duties towards ourselves, including duties towards or own body.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskakult ciałaotyłośćcnota umiarucnoty kardynalnesiedem grzechów głównychhedonizmanoreksjaFilozofiaPsychologiaSocjologiaObżarstwo i opilstwo czy nieumiarkowanie w jedzeniu i piciu?Gluttony and drunkenness or intemperance in eating and drinking?Fragment książki