Gałkowski, Stanisław2017-04-182017-04-182013W: Filozofia w literaturze. Literatura w filozofii. (red.) Agnieszka Iskra-Paczkowska, Stanisław Gałkowski, Marek Stanisz. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013, s. 42-51.978-83-7996-008-8 recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperThe article attempts to indentify the distinctive features between philosophy and literature. One of the principal differences between the philosophical and literary narration is that the metaphor is a legitimate means of expression in the realm of literature, whereas in philosophy it can only serve an auxiliary function. Although it is impossible to command a completely nonmetaphoric language, to abdicate the intention to construct it would be tantamount to lifting the conditions for a rational communication in philosophy; also it would obliterate the borderline between philosophy and literature. The opposition against reducing philosophy to literature is not intended to deprecate the latter, but rather to defend the diversity of our culture where the two disciplines perform diverse functions and should be expected to satisfy diverse requirements.plUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskaliteraturajęzyk filozoficznydyskurs filozoficznytomizmFilologiaFilozofiaGranica filozofii. Metafora w filozofii na przykładzie języka Józefa TischneraFragment książki