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Pozycja A brief history of americanization(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2010) Dębska, MartaFrom introductoin: "The commonly used term “Americanization” is nowadays one of the most misinterpreted and burdened with negative connotations terms there are. It is usually identified by non-Americans with the globalization process, which is, in fact, much broader and older than Americanization. Significant here is the fact that both the expression “America” and the concept of Americanization consist of an inaccuracy themselves. They should be used to refer to two continents and all the countries situated there. In fact, though, they refer just to the United States of America. What is more, the original concept of Americanization, which is still essential for the internal affairs of the US, is commonly forgotten outside the country. This phenomenon therefore needs some explanation and attention."(...)Pozycja A Comparison of Polygraph Examination Accuracy Rates Obtained Using the Seven-position Numerical Analysis Scale and the Objective Scoring System (A Study on the Polish Population)(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2010) Leśniak, Marek; Zubańska, Magdalena"Different sorts of polygraph examinations have been conducted in Poland over the last sixty years (Krzyścin, 226, 227). It is curious that there are few empirical studies which concern the accuracy of such examinations in relation to the population of Poland. Hundreds of well-documented scientific studies on the accuracy of polygraph examination have been published all over the world. However, most concentrate on the American or Israeli population, so the problem of national differences should be taken into consideration, too. "(...)Pozycja A Field Study of the Backster Zone Comparison Technique's Either-Or Rule and Scoring System Versus Two Other Scoring Systems When Relevant Question Elicits Strong Response(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2010) Matte, James Allan"In March 1974, Cleve Backster authored an article published in Polygraph entitled “Anticlimax Dampening Concept” (Backster 1974). In his article, Backster states “The anticlimax dampening concept is formulated on the well-validated psychological principle that a person’s fears, anxieties, and apprehensions are channeled toward the situation which holds greatest immediate threat to his self-preservation or general well-being. "(...)Pozycja A Field Study on the Validity of the Quadri-track Zone Comparison Technique(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2009) Shurany, Tuvia; Stein, Einat; Brand, Eytan"This field study is the third published piece of field research on the validity of the Quadri-Track Zone Comparison Technique. The Quadri-Track ZCT was initially developed in 1977 by James Allan Matte as a result of field experiments designed to resolve the problem of false positives in psychophysiological veracity (PV) examinations using the polygraph. Its theory and methodology were published in the American Polygraph Association’s journal Polygraph in December 1978 and in several textbooks (Matte 1980, 1996, 2000 and 2002)."(...)Pozycja A Half-Century of Experiences with the Polygraph(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2020) Widacki, Jan"I obtained my first expert knowledge of polygraph from a course book of criminalistics by Paweł Horoszowski published Poland in 1958. The author provided his descriptions of the polygraph and examinations with an ideological commentary (among other things like this: “lie-detector is an imperialistic tool of torture”)."(...)Pozycja A Handful of Remarks on the “Terminology Reference for the Science of Psychophysiological Detection of Deception”(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2024) Widacki, Jan"I find it appropriate to commence by recalling that the realisation that one of the defining characteristics of a science (or its field) that allows for its recognition as distinct and mature, alongside its subject of study and methods of research, is its language dates back to as early as the mid-19th century (Okasha, 2016). Contemporary scientific methodology demands that each science must have a specific subject and objective distinct from other sciences, as well as its own unique language so that it makes use of clearly defined and named concepts (Humphreys, 2014)."(...)Pozycja A History Note A Peep at the “Peak Of Tension (POT)” Test & other “Recognition Tests”(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2018) Amsel, Tuvya T."Recognition Test “Polygraph techniques can be divided into two major categories, knowledge-based tests, also called recognition tests, and deception based tests. Ther ecognition test family of PDD techniques includes; peak of tension tests (known & searching/probing), acquaintance (stimulation) tests and concealed information (Guilty Knowledge Test) tests. They attempt to determine if the examinee has knowledge only available to persons directly involved in an incident of concern.” [1]"(...)Pozycja A Hundred Years of Polygraphy: Some Primary Changes and Related Issues(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2020) Horvath, Frank"The question to be addressed is essentially: “Supposing you were a polygraph examiner in the early years of the fi eld, what are the foremost changes you have witnessed in the last 100 years?”"(...)Pozycja A Letter to the Editor Regarding the APA’s Terminology Reference for the Science of Psychophysiological Detection of Deception(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2024) Matte, James Allan"Dear Editor: This critique in the form of a letter-to-the-editor is in response to the publication of the fourth edition of the Terminology Reference for the Science of Psychophysiological Detection of Deception, hereafter referred to as Terminology Reference, authored by Donald Krapohl, Mark Handler and Michael Lynch published by the American Polygraph Association in 2022."(...)Pozycja A Little About Memory Traces(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2011) Saldžiūnas, Vitas; Kovalenko, Aleksandras"We spent a long time preparing before joining the discussion about memory traces and their detection during a psychophysiological examination with a polygraph. According to Horvath (2008), this science has two sides. We are still not completely confi dent about the accuracy of our ideas, yet we believe that we have several thoughts that have not been expressed by other authors."(...)Pozycja A Polygraph-Assisted Psychological Assessment of Risk of Sexual Harm Posed by a Priest(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2019) Wilcox, Daniel T."This paper provides a case example of how the polygraph can assist in achieving enhanced levels of disclosure when assessing a priest in relation to reported concerns about sexual risk. In the present case, the polygraph is used in combination with other tools employed to produce a comprehensive forensic psychological evaluation of a cleric for safeguarding purposes ( Jack and Wilcox, 2018). Th e author considers that the case study is a helpful medium for describing the utility of the polygraph as an adjunctive tool in risk assessments (Wilcox and Buschman, 2011; Wilcox, Foss, and Donathy, 2005; Wilcox, O’Keefe, and Oliver, 2009)."(...)Pozycja A Realistic Perspective of the Art and Science of Forensic Psychophysiology(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2013) Gordon, Nathan J.; Fleisher, William L."In the early 1960s, Cleve Backster – perhaps the most brilliant polygraph innovator our profession has known – developed major changes in technique structure and introduced many intensely needed psychological concepts to advance our profession. One of the major changes he introduced in technique development was the change in question sequence format from a traditional Relevant – Comparison question sequence, to a structure that introduced placing the Comparison before the Relevant, or a Comparison – Relevant sequence."(...)Pozycja A renaissance in voice analysers as tools for detection of deception?(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2009) Pietruszka, Jarosław"The current situation in the world, and especially the threat of terrorism, creates a demand for new technologies that allow observation of human psychophysiological reactions without entering into direct contact with the person and without that person’s knowledge, to evaluate the person’s honesty (deception), intentions, hidden information, and information provided. This has resulted in a revival of interest in devices and techniques for investigating emotional changes in the sound of the human voice (Widacki 2007)."(...)Pozycja A Survey of the Views of Catholic Safeguarding Coordinators about the Inclusion of the Polygraph in Psychological Risk Assessments of Clerics(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2022) Wilcox, Daniel T.; Berry, Rosalind; Grove, EmmaThis paper reflects the views of Catholic safeguarding coordinators (SCs) with regard to the inclusion of the polygraph in forensic psychological risk assessments that they have commissioned. The contents are derived from feedback forms sought of these instructing parties, relating to fifteen priests referred for assessment by SCs from eight different Catholic dioceses in England. The SCs responded to a post-assessment survey including a range of questions concerning their perceptions of the utility of independent, secularly organised, forensic psychological risk assessments undertaken during the period from January 2019 to December 2021. Feedback was obtained in relation to twelve of the clerics, with two SCs having left their positions during the period and as such, not avail able to provide feedback, and one SC not responding to the feedback request. Replies were received from SCs representing seven of the twenty-two Catholic dioceses in England. The overall survey results reflected that a significant majority of respondents positively connoted the value of independent secularly organised forensic psychological risk assessments. However, their expressed views about the polygraph in this context were more varied, thus prompting the authors to produce this separate paper.Pozycja A Theoretical Analysis of the Direct Lie Question (DLC)(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2015) Gordon, Nathan J."The Directed Lie Comparison (DLC) question is being used in the field increasingly as some researchers have continuously suggested its use in a pedantic manner with statistical smoke and mirrors to replace the traditional Probable Lie Comparison (PLC) question. The DLC is employed by basically informing the examinee that all people have done these things in their lifetime (lied, broke a traffi c law, etc.) however, so the examiner can see exactly what happens physiologically when they lie they are to answer these questions “No.”"(...)Pozycja Access to information for a transparent ombudsman’s office as a form of human right to fight corruption(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2022) Ribeiro Campos Filho, José Raymundo; de Sousa Trigueiro, CharlesThe Ombudsman’s Office of public bodies constitutes a strategic and democratic space for communication between the citizen and this Government Institution, aiming at strengthening the mechanisms of social participation. It is essential for its consolidation that the citizen has a space to request information, register suggestions, praise, complaints and denunciations, obtaining an agile and resolute response to his manifestation. For that, it is necessary to improve an Ombudsman with the concept of participative management and democratization of information, which provides an effective service, capable of seeking the solution of the manifestations. In addition, these manifestations must be organized in management reports aimed at informing and subsidizing the managers of public agencies, serving as an instrument for positive changes in the course of the Audits. This article aims to implement proactive actions in order to foster Social Control, through the participation of society and encouraging the exercise of citizenship. In order to carry out this investigation, it was necessary to apply the dogmatic method, as the hermeneutics of the normative texts recommends, but also the need for doctrine and transversality was necessary, since it is an interdisciplinary theme with a high political and sociological content, everything basked by a tradition of egalitarian rationalist thinking and based on international human rights hermeneutics. In conclusion, we identified that the Ombudsman’s Office aims to improve the exercise of Social Control and be another effective tool for institutional management and transformation. Its main task is to promote a dialogue between the public institution and society. For this to happen, citizen participation is essential, representing a strong allied body for the realization of significant changes in Public Administration, which fundamentally cares for the public interest.Pozycja Acciones para combatir el impacto del crimen en el ciberespacio. Prevención y detección con la Inteligencia Artificial(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2022) Verdugo Guzmán, Silvia Irene; Casteleiro, Ana OchoaLos últimos dos siglos hemos visto nuevos tipos de delitos que han pasado a un primer plano, y que los delitos tradicionales han adoptado diferentes formas o un alcance completamente nuevo, especialmente digital. La especificidad de distintos ciberdelitos se encuentra en la internet profunda o Darknet, tales como el fraude informático, los ataques informáticos, abuso sexual y la explotación sexual de niños a través de sistemas informáticos etc. La aparición del nuevo coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 a fines del 2019 y la pandemia declarada por COVID-19 causada por el virus a comienzos del 2020, han servido para subrayar la importancia del combate al cibercrimen. La denuncia e investigación de delitos es crucial para las unidades policiales y las partes interesadas en la comprensión y análisis del ciberdelito. Entonces, gracias al desarrollo de la Inteligencia Artificial (I.A) y la recopilación de datos estadísticos son utilizados para realizar evaluaciones de delitos, castigos o sanciones, e identificar a las personas investigadas o perseguidas. La construcción de la cooperación en I.A con las partes interesadas en todo el sector público, la industria, la academia, así como las entidades de seguridad relacionadas, agencias de inteligencia etc., es un próximo paso esencial. También, cabe referirse a la ciberseguridad, que juega un papel importante en la defensa de las personas, de empresas e infraestructuras. Los proveedores de seguridad digital se enfocan en usuarios, dispositivos, redes, datos, aplicaciones o empresas para brindar soluciones con el fin de detectar y responder ante una amenaza cibernética.Pozycja Adaptacja prawa polskiego do wymogów unijnego rozporządzenia spadkowego (Nr 650/2012)(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2015) Załucki, MariuszThis article discusses legislative alignment of the Polish law to the requirements of the EU succession Regulation No. 650/2012. Author presents the origins of the Polish Act adapting the Regulation and shows the course of legislative works. His presentation aims to identify major changes in the Polish law related to this Regulation.Pozycja Adaptation of Law of Ukraine to the EU Law in the Context of European Traditions of Private Law(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2016) Kharytonov, Yevhen; Kharytonova, OlenaThe article considers the problem of adaptation of the law of Ukraine to EU private law. It analyzes the concept of “European Law” and “EU law” as elements of European civilization and their correlation is determined. On the basis of differentiation between the Western and the Eastern European civilizations a conclusion about the existence of corresponding traditions of private law is made. The idea that the concept of private law is grounded in western culture is based on the fact that there is a need for the adaptation of Ukrainian law to EU law. This approach is the basis for the conclusion that the success of the adaptation of the law of Ukraine to EU law depends primarily on the willingness of Ukrainian society to accept the fundamental values of European civilization, such as liberalism, human rights, the right of private property, freedom of contract etc.Pozycja Administracja bezpieczeństwa, informacji niejawnych i danych osobowych(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2015) Depo, Jerzy; Mazur, SławomirZ wprowadzenia: "Bezpieczeństwo informacyjne jest jednym z priorytetowych elementów bezpieczeństwa państwa, a także podstawą sprawnego funkcjonowania różnych innych jednostek organizacyjnych. Dziś obrona bezpieczeństwa informacyjnego, gdy rywalizacja między przeciwnikami politycznymi, biznesowymi, wojskowymi i innymi, przeniosła się na płaszczyznę walki informacyjnej i jest ukierunkowana nie tylko na zdobywanie informacji przeróżnymi metodami i technikami, ale i na sterowanie procesami decyzyjnymi przeciwnika (blokowanie przepływu informacji, szerzenie dezinformacji, sianie niepokoju oraz podważanie autorytetu i zaufania do zaatakowanego podmiotu), jest zadaniem szczególnym. Potrzeba dysponowania skutecznymi środkami polityki bezpieczeństwa informacyjnego jest zatem duża, a dbałość o bezpieczne warunki egzystencji państwa (bronienie dostępu do własnych tajemnic) winna się wiązać nierozerwalnie z potrzebą ciągłego rozpoznawania otoczenia (konkurencji i potencjalnego przeciwnika)."(...)