4. Prace dyplomowe / Thesies
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Pozycja Postępowanie w częstoskurczu z wąskim, miarowym zespołem QRS u dorosłych w praktyce ratownika medycznegoWysocki, Grzegorz; Grzegorz SokołowskiCardiac disordes are a major chalenge to Medical Emergency Teams (ZRM). Myocardial ischemic diseses as well as conduction disorders often result in real life- threatening conditions. In order to efficiently treat such emergency conditions, paramedics should be well familiarised with current standards of treatment and medical procedures. One of the most common arrythmias that ZRM’s are dispatched to is Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT). The key element of the treatment of SVT is quick and proper convertion of the rhythm to normal. The following article describes the standards of treatment of this kind of arrythmias in pre-hospital settings based on European Resuscitation Council 2015 guidlines.