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Pozycja EU-Australia trade relations-current stage and future challenges(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2018) Majchrowska, ElżbietaWobec zastoju negocjacji na forum WTO priorytetem dla UE stały się dwustronne umowy handlowe. W przedstawionej w 2015 r. nowej strategii handlowej i inwestycyjnej EU “Trade for All” wyraźnie podkreślono znaczenie Australii jako bliskiego partnera Europy, podzielającego europejskie wartości oraz odgrywającego ważną rolę zarówno w regionie Azji Pacyfi ku, jak i na forach wielostronnych. Zapisy tej strategii stały się punktem wyjścia do podjęcia konkretnych działań w zakresie pełniejszego uregulowania stosunków handlowych EU z Australią w postaci przyszłej wszechstronnej FTA. Ponadto, bieżąca sytuacja w handlu światowym (związana z amerykańskim protekcjonizmem) powoduje, że UE dąży do pogłębiania współpracy z innymi, bardziej przewidywalnymi partnerami handlowymi. Planowana umowa przyczyni się zatem do pobudzenia wzajemnej wymiany, co jest szczególnie ważne w świetle podpisanych już przez Australię umów FTA z innymi państwami, w tym także kluczowymi partnerami UE. Nie bez znaczenia pozostaje również kwestia Brexit’u. Słowa kluczowe: Australia, FTA, handel międzynarodowy, regionalizm handlowy, UEPozycja EU-South Korea FTA as one of the new generation agreements – an overview of the effects of the agreement(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, 2017) Majchrowska, ElżbietaThe changes in the structure of the world economy related to the proliferation of regional trade agreements (RTAs) are reflected in activities undertaken by the EU, which, due to the crisis of multilateral negotiations, seeks alternative forms of gaining access to other markets. Thus, it concludes new-generation trade agreements with its partners as they entail broader and more comprehensive liberalization of trade than that within the WTO. Among them, the agreement which deserves a closer scrutiny is the very first agreement of this kind, signed with an Asian country in 2011, which marked the beginning of a new era in EU-Korean trade relations. An analysis of the volume and dynamics of trade between the two partners indicates good results, particularly for the EU, which has changed its role from a net importer to a net exporter and strengthened its position as one of the key trade partners of South Korea.Pozycja Mega-regional blocs in global trade – from noodle bowl to jigsaw puzzle – the RCEP case(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, 2016) Majchrowska, ElżbietaThe proliferation of RTAs in Asia is a response to trade regionalism in other parts of the world as well as an answer to the slow progress in Doha negotiations, within the World Trade Organization (WTO), which clearly cannot keep up with the changes ongoing in the world economy. Since the turn of the century, trade regionalism has been the most frequently adopted form of regulating economic cooperation. It manifests itself particularly in forming new RTAs, of which mega-regional trade agreements (MRTAs) are of great importance to the world economy as they may change the future structure of the world trade system. The emergence of so many FTAs caused, however, the “noodle bowl” effect. Eliminating the problems ensuing from the confusion, e.g. by the RCEP initiative, is a complex task and yet a vital one but the creation of that MRTA is not effortless for the parties. Nevertheless, the creation of RCEP may serve as a tool to put in order the net of intertwining agreements, especially in that region.Pozycja Southeast Asian Economies and a New Regionalism(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2006) Oziewicz, Ewa"The last years of the 20,h century, especially the failure of the Seattle Ministerial Conference in 1999, which was to be the beginning of a new negotiations round of WTO and a halt of multilateral negotiations within the new Doha Round (launched in 2001) after the Cancun Ministerial Conference collapse in 2003, although revived in July 2004 after putting in place a new negotiations framework, have become the major factor of tuming towards a new regionalism and especially free trade areas all around the world as well as in Southeast Asia."(...)Pozycja TTIP a WTO: szansa czy zagrożenie?(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2015) Majchrowska, ElżbietaA crucial factor of ever-growing regionalization of the world trade is the lasting negotiation impasse at multilateral level. Finding common ground among all WTO members has proven to be a task beyond their capabilities, consequently, some countries focused their efforts on concluding Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs), which are of a smaller or larger regional range and importance to the global economy. The last group includes the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). This partnership will surely affect not only the world trade fl ows but also the progress of negotiations in the ongoing Doha Development Round and in consequence the further functioning of the WTO. It is diffi cult to resist the impression that the TTIP has a different dimension from other, currently formed trading blocs. It mainly concerns the geopolitical context and another case of merging of Western superpowers, which may result in the reluctance of TTIP members to take part in multilateral negotiations for some time, which consequently may negatively affect the ongoing WTO negotiations. The fact that the former superpowers have been overshadowed by the increasingly stronger emerging markets and their lack of political will to conclude the multilateral negotiations do not bode well for the future of the WTO.