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Pozycja Funkcjonowanie polskiej granicy wschodniej w ramach Europejskiej Polityki Sąsiedztwa(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2009) Moraczewska, AnnaZe wstępu: "Granica zewnętrzna Unii Europejskiej to miejsce, któremu poświęca ona szczególną uwagę, Stanowi jednocześnie rozgraniczenie obszaru wspólnotowego od państw sąsiednich, element systemu bezpieczeństwa oraz linię styku interesów i wzajemnych powiązań Unii oraz poszczególnych państw członkowskich z owymi sąsiadami. Zasady; funkcjonowania granicy: zewnętrznej (i < granic ’ wewnętrznych) Unii Europejskiej reguluje umowa z Schengen, która została włączona do prawa UE. W art. 2 Traktatu o Unii; Europejskiej czytamy, ze jednym z celów Unii jest utrzymanie obszaru, wolności i bezpieczeństwa, na którym obowiązuje swobodny przepływ osób w powiązaniu z właściwymi środkami kompensacyjnymi dotyczącymi kontroli; na granicach zewnętrznych, kwestii azylu i imigracji."(...)Pozycja Jednolita ochrona patentowa – Wybrane zagadnienia i uwagi o działaniach podczas polskiej prezydencji w Radzie UE(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2012) Bogucka, AnnaOne of the main targets of Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union was to reach an agreement regarding unitary patent protection. However, although numerous attempts were made the issue remained unsolved. EU Member States reached a provisional agreement on the two draft regulations implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of unitary patent protection, but compromise on agreement for the creation of a Unified Patent Court was not achieved. The works on Unitary Patent Protection lasted within enhanced cooperation of 25 EU Member States. The unitary protection was to be created by so-called patent package built of two regulations, adopted by union institutions introducing enhanced cooperation on unitary patent protection system and with respect of translations and international agreement on creating Unified Patent Court. The agreements stipulate establishment of European patent with unitary effect applicable on territory of all EU Member States participating in enhanced cooperation. The achievements of Polish Presidency in Europe in works on unitary patent protection should not be criticized although on domestic ground not only should the Polish stand and accepted offers but also the commitment of Polish society in establishing rules be refused.Pozycja Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe nr 2, 2012 (Polska prezydencja wobec wyzwań współczesnej Unii Europejskiej)(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2012) Bainczyk, Magdalena; Bednarczyk, Bogusława; Bogucka, Anna; Czermińska, Małgorzata; Fiałek, Sandra; Habas, Paulina; Jarmuła, Agnieszka; Kolendowska-Matejczuk, Marta; Młynarski, Tomasz; Piziak-Rapacz, Anna; Radwan, Marcin; Stankiewicz, Jakub; Szwarc, Karolina; Bębenek, Marian; Domaradzki, Spasimir; Zdanowski, Jerzy; Ludwikowski, Rett R.; Wolańska, Diana; Bednarczyk, Bogusława; Bednarczyk, BogusławaPrezentowany numer „Krakowskich Studiów Międzynarodowych” ma ukazać wielowątkowość i złożoność uwarunkowań polskiej prezydencji, które determinują zdolność do wypełniania obowiązków zeń wynikających, ale zarazem wskazują na charakter i skalę problemów, z którymi boryka się współcześnie Unia Europejska.Pozycja Polityka klimatyczna Unii Europejskiej a kryzys w strefie euro – Wybrane problemy(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2012) Molo, BeataThe aim of the article is a synthetic presentation of selected issues connected with the implementation and/or sharpening of the climate policy in the context of the financial crisis in the EU. In the first part of the article the author reviews the core of the climate and energy package established in December 2008, which includes a modification of the European Union Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Scheme (EU-ETS), the aims of the limitation of CO2 emission by the member states in the sectors not covered by the ETS, legal framework for eco-friendly capture and storage of CO2 (CCS technology), valid targets regarding the exploitation of renewable energy and the regulations of the vehicle CO2 emissions. The results of the European Commission’s analysis referring to the effects of the 20% and 30% reduction plans up to 2020 are also presented. The further part of the article demonstrates the efforts made by the EU on the topic of climate protection in the context of the economic crisis, which has not stopped the ambitious projects of the EU towards climate protection. These efforts are connected with energy security, especially low emission economy methods and the role of efficient energy use. Some positive results of the EU’s ambitious climate policy for Poland have also been taken into account. The third part of the article shows some aspects of the EU’s activity in the process of negotiating a new international regime that would replace the Kyoto Protocol. The Union’s position indicated that the new system should include consecutive unconditional obligations for developed countries concerning the reduction of greenhouse gas emission in all of the sectors of the economy. The EU committed to cutting the emission by 30% if other developed countries would do it on a comparable level and also on condition that appropriate input from the developing countries is provided, dependent on their share in emissions and their capabilities. The Union’s representatives also suggested that the group of developed countries reduced their emissions in accordance with the goal assuming a decrease of global temperature up to 2 centigrade in relation to the level from before the industrialization.Pozycja Spotkania z Lewiatanem(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2004) Dzwończyk, Joanna; Juruś, Dariusz; Kimla, Piotr; Krauz-Mozer, Barbara; Rzegocki, Arkady; Stoczewska, BarbaraZe wstępu: "Pojawiający się w tytule niniejszej książki termin Lewiatan jest synonimem państwa. Autorzy odnoszą się tym samym do nowożytnego rozumienia tego słowa, ukształtowanego pod wpływem Thomasa Hobbesa: „I tak powstaje ten wielki Lewiatan, a raczej (mówiąc z większym szacunkiem) ten bóg śmiertelny, któremu, pod władztwem Boga Nieśmiertelnego, zawdzięczamy nasz pokój i naszą obronę. Kiedy filozof angielski przyrównuje państwo do biblijnego Lewiatana, chodzi mu, rzecz jasna, o moc, jaką tej istocie „o wijącym ciele" się przypisuje. Samo określenie - w Biblii często symbolizujące zło - wyrywa z pejoratywnej konotacji i nadaje mu pozytywny wydźwięk."(...)Pozycja Wpływ polskiej prezydencji na kształtowanie się polityki praw człowieka w UE. Wybrane zagadnienia(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2012) Bednarczyk, BogusławaThe purpose of this paper is to examine human rights issues through the prism of the Polish Presidency in the EU Council. The Polish Presidency of the EU Council started with high expectations on the part of other Member States and EU officials. Poland took over the EU Council Presidency on 1 July 2011. Assuming the EU Presidency for the first time since its accession in 2004, Poland was well prepared for this challenge. At the same time, all actions of the Polish Presidency were very closely watched in other EU capitals as it was the first Presidency held by Warsaw. Even more so, as the previous Presidencies held by Member States that had joined the EU after 2004, had not been considered as terribly successful. Both the Czech Republic, because of the collapse of the government, and Hungary, because of the adoption of the controversial act on the media, were remembered as weak presidencies whose achievements had been overshadowed by negative internal developments. The Poles were aware of the fact that the standards were set high and of the challenges they would have to face. They also knew that even well prepared Presidencies were often hampered by unexpected turns of events. In a very difficult atmosphere marked by discussions on the need to deal more decisively with the economic crisis and the expectations of strong action on behalf of Europe’s leaders, the Polish Presidency pushed the European Agenda forward and achieved some significant results. The main task of the Presidency was to lead the EU on a path to faster economic growth and an enhanced political community. In order to follow these targets, this article has been concentrated on some aspects of the three basic presidency’s priorities: “European integration as the source of growth”, a “Secure Europe” and a “Europe benefiting from openness”. Special emphasis has been put on the development of expanding the area of European values and regulations, including further EU enlargement and the development of cooperation with neighboring countries. The initial objective of the Presidency, adopted by the Council of Ministers in May 2011, was to implement effectively the Stockholm programme. Thus, activities were engaged to protect EU citizens and facilitate their access to justice. Poland fully implemented the priority of the Presidency concerning the strengthening of collaboration in combating drug-related crime. The European Pact against synthetic drugs was adopted, along with the conclusions of the Council concerning the cooperation between the EU and Eastern Europe concerning drugs and conclusions concerning combating of new psychoactive substances. Taking into consideration the EU human rights policy, this paper aims at providing a general, and at the same time, comprehensive picture of the Polish Presidency activities in the field of the EU support for the protection of fundamental rights, as well as enhancing mechanisms for the prevention against any kind of discrimination. One of the key elements, in that respect, has been the EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. As a part of its Presidency, Poland took a major step forward in the process of the negotiations for the accession.Pozycja Zielona Księga „Równość i niedyskryminacja w rozszerzonej Unii Europejskiej” przedstawiona przez Komisję Europejską(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, 2012) Wierzbińska, Halina