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Pozycja Implikacje zmian na międzynarodowych rynkach energii-wybrane aspekty(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2015) Molo, BeataThe article presents synthetically the issue of changes in the international energy markets and their political implications. The analysis embraces the essence and consequences of the “shale gas revolution” for the U.S. and the international energy markets, particularly taking into consideration the impact of the “shale gas revolution” on the oil price. The prognosticated decrease of the U.S. request for the imported oil and natural gas will affect the decision of the exporting states regarding the scale of extraction and direction of delivery/export. The oversupply of oil and unconventional gas might rise the pressure on their price reduction in the international markets, thus enfeeble the political signifi cance of the OPEC, especially Saudi Arabia, as well as jeopardize the position of Russia as the “energetic power”. Moreover, the article broaches the matter of development of the liquefied natural gas production, in particular the possibility of LNG’s export by the United States. In the geopolitical dimension it might result in the increase of the negotiation strength of the new extraction regions and the change of the current power balance. Key words: the international energy markets, the political implications, „shale gas revolution”, LNGPozycja Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe nr 1, 2015 (Przemiany systemu bezpieczeństwa i współpracy międzynarodowej w drugiej dekadzie XXI w. Część 1: Globalny i transatlantycki wymiar bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego.)(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2015) Żukrowska, Katarzyna; Chorośnicki, Michał; Molo, Beata; Młynarski, Tomasz; Czajkowski, Marek; Lasoń, Marcin; Koszel, Bogdan; Szymański, Marcin; Diawoł-Sitko, Anna; Bojenko-Izdebska, Ewa; Paterek, Anna; Riedel, Rafał; Adamczyk, Natalia; Pieróg, Iwona; Kraj, Kazimierz; Cziomer, Erhard; Bednarczyk, BogusławaPoniższa analiza przemian systemu bezpieczeństwa i współpracy międzynarodowej w drugiej dekadzie XXI w. stanowi kontynuację publikowanych wcześniej wyników badań na temat strategicznego wymiaru współpracy transatlantyckiej. Jej zasadniczym celem jest dokonanie pogłębionej oceny przemian polityczno-militarnych i społecznych aspektów bezpieczeństwa transatlantyckiego w wymiarze globalnym i regionalnym. Towarzyszące im wyzwania i zagrożenia o charakterze wewnętrznym oraz międzynarodowym narastały już od początku XXI w. Jednak dopiero w latach 2013–2015 pod znakiem zapytania stanęła trwałość budowanego mozolnie system bezpieczeństwa i współpracy w Europie po przezwyciężeniu konfliktu Wschód-Zachód (w latach 1989–1990).Pozycja Wyzwania bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Polski - dywersyfikacja źródeł pozyskania energii na przykładzie gazu łupkowego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2017) Bałamut, AnnaPoland is not self-sufficient in energy. This fact was a number of implications in the political environment and influences Polish energy security. The policy through its decisions creates the shape of the energy sector. That is why all processes in the energy sector depend on it. Polish government proposes to diversify energy: the sources and the supply. In the case of the gas market, it suggests the following: shale gas, LNG (liquid natural gas) and gas infrastructure development in neighboring countries in cooperation with other energy projects in Europe. This paper is a summary of some earlier studies. The issue is divided into three parts. The first part refers to Polish energy security - its challenges, risks and definition of energy security. The second part shows the political aspect, that is the debate on shale gas on the EU forum. EU Members have the right to decide how to maintain the security of the country, as well as the shape of the energy balance. Consequently, there are differences in energy policies of EU Members, which leads to some discussions on shale gas and other energy sources. The third part is an analysis of the shale gas sector in Poland and the possibility of its development. Poland is currently in the process of estimating quantities of reserves, whether they are found and profitable and whether it will decide to invest in shale gas. It will mean a lot of changes not only to the energy sector. The article is finished with a short summary containing conclusions about development of the gas sector in Poland.