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Pozycja A brief history of americanization(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2010) Dębska, MartaFrom introductoin: "The commonly used term “Americanization” is nowadays one of the most misinterpreted and burdened with negative connotations terms there are. It is usually identified by non-Americans with the globalization process, which is, in fact, much broader and older than Americanization. Significant here is the fact that both the expression “America” and the concept of Americanization consist of an inaccuracy themselves. They should be used to refer to two continents and all the countries situated there. In fact, though, they refer just to the United States of America. What is more, the original concept of Americanization, which is still essential for the internal affairs of the US, is commonly forgotten outside the country. This phenomenon therefore needs some explanation and attention."(...)Pozycja Amerykański system obrony przeciwrakietowej - cele, koncepcje, umiejscowienie(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2008) Danielewska, JoannaRozwój koncepcji amerykańskiego systemu obrony przeciwrakietowej jest procesem sięgającym w swej historii epoki zimnej wojny. Szybki rozwój techniki wojskowej i skomplikowana sytuacja polityczna na arenie międzynarodowej sprawiły, iż groźba ta była jak najbardziej realna. Odpowiedzią na narastające zagrożenie stały się kolejno tworzone programy Nike-Zeus, Nike X, Sentinel oraz Safeguard. Przełomem w tworzeniu coraz to nowocześniejszych systemów obrony stał się podpisany 26 maja 1972 roku w Moskwie roku „Układ między Związkiem Socjalistycznych Republik Radzieckich a Stanami Zjednoczonymi Ameryki o ograniczeniu systemów obrony przeciwrakietowej”. Powrót do idei stworzenia systemu obrony przeciwrakietowej nastąpił za prezydentury Ronalda Reagana i trwa do dzisiaj. Zmianie uległy jednakże zadania stojące przed takim programem. Po zakończeniu zimnej wojny i upadku ZSRR zagrożenia nie stanowiło już jedno wrogie państwo komunistyczne, lecz tzw. „państwa zbójeckie. Rozmowy na temat rozmieszczenia „tarczy antyrakietowej” w Polsce i Czechach wywołały protest w Rosji, która obawia się zbliżenia infrastruktury amerykańskiej do swoich granic, co znacznie skomplikowało proces negocjacyjny. Dodatkową trudność spowodowała decyzja Kongresu, który przyznanie pieniędzy na projekt uzależnił od podpisania z krajami europejskimi odpowiednich umów międzynarodowych, a także zmiana partii rządzącej w Polsce. Przyszłość amerykańskiego systemu obrony przeciwrakietowej zależeć będzie przede wszystkim od wyniku wyborów prezydenckich, które odbędą się w USA w listopadzie tego roku. Podejście kandydatów ubiegających się o ten urząd jest różne i od tego, kto zwycięży, zależeć będą dalsze losy koncepcji obrony strategicznej.Pozycja Catholicism in The United States: Between liberalism and conservatism(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2011) Allitt, Patrick"Harvey Mansfield has always taken the long view. As he sees it, the way to approach an American topic is to ask first what the Founding Fathers said about it, then see what Tocqueville added. In the same way, his approach to any European issue starts out with a word from Plato and Aristotle, then moves along through Augustine and Aquinas to the opinions of Machiavelli and Edmund Burke. In this sense he’s just like the Catholic Church, which has always specialized in taking the long view, while trying to avoid being paralyzed by the weight of tradition. Taking the long view means being aware of oneself as part of an extended historical process, of being indebted to the insights of earlier generations, without being blind to those generations’ limitations. It usually guards against provincialism of time and place steers us away from utopianism, while helping us to see sensible ways forward."(...)Pozycja Education and Promotion of Human Rights from a European and American Perspective(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2008) Ludwikowski, Rett R.From introduction: "The relationship between education and implementation of programs for the protection of rights and freedoms has been substantiated by the numerous documents produced by international conferences on human rights, such as; the 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights , the 1978 UNESCO International Congress in Vienna on the Teaching of Human Rights , the Congress in Seville in 1986 and in Malta in 1987, the Seminar in Geneva in 1988 celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the World Conference in Vienna on Human Rights in 1993, the Montreal International Congress on Education for Human Rights and Democracy on 1993 , and many others."(...)Pozycja Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2020, nr 1 (XVII), Świat – Europa – Niemcy. Historyczne i współczesne problemy stosunków międzynarodowych. Część 1: Świat(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2020) Molo, Beata; Paterek, Anna; Lasoń, Marcin; Czarny, Ryszard M.; Kraj, Kazimierz; Banach, Marian; Czajkowski, Marek; Mickiewicz, Piotr; Żukrowska, Katarzyna; Kwieciński, Rafał; Czornik, Katarzyna; Adamczyk, Natalia; Młynarski, Tomasz; Bonusiak, Grzegorz; Diawoł-Sitko, Anna; Majchrowska, Elżbieta; Bonusiak, Andrzej; Ludwikowski, Rett R.Z wprowadzenia: "Drodzy czytelnicy, oddajemy w Wasze ręce szczególny numer „Krakowskich Studiów Międzynarodowych”. Jeszcze na początku 2020 r. planowano, że będzie on zawierał szereg artykułów naukowych nawiązujących do referatów, które miały być wygłoszone na międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej zorganizowanej z okazji 50-lecia pracy naukowo-dydaktycznej prof. dr. hab. Erharda Cziomera. Niestety ten pełen wielu trudnych doświadczeń rok przyniósł ze sobą jedno wydarzenie, które szczególnie silnie odczuła społeczność akademicka Krakowskiej Akademii im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego, Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie i wielu innych uczelni zarówno w Polsce, jak i w Niemczech. Śmierć prof. Cziomera oznacza wielką stratę dla nauki polskiej i niemieckiej, zwłaszcza dla stosunków międzynarodowych i nauk o polityce, a także dla jego rodziny, przyjaciół, współpracowników i studentów. Profesor pozostawił po sobie lukę, którą trudno będzie wypełnić."(...)Pozycja Religion and America’s politics of peoplehood(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2009) Smith, Rogers"During my first year of graduate school in 1975, Professor Harvey C. Mansfield led a discussion section for graduate students in a survey course on the history of political thought. There he argued that there was a “hole in the center of liberalism,” by which he meant that a political philosophy whose central tenet was to permit people maximum freedom to pursue self-defined ends did not contain and probably could not contain standards to guide the best uses of that freedom."(...)Pozycja Religion, religious freedom, and the american politicial tradition(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2011) Leo, Leonard"Throughout American history, many of our nation’s leaders and citizens have believed that the United States is an exceptional nation. The roots of American exceptionalism run deep, as far back as the early 17th century and John Winthrop’s “city upon a hill” sermon. “The eyes of all people are upon us,” said Winthrop. In one of his earliest political works, A Dissertation on the Canon and the Feudal Law, John Adams wrote that he “always consider[ed] the settlement of America with reverence and wonder, as the opening of a grand scene and design in providence, for the illumination of the ignorant and the emancipation of the slavish part of mankind all over the earth.” The historical record contains many other statements in this vein."(...)Pozycja Some notes on religion and democratic liberty(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2011) Blitz, Mark"My intention is to discuss briefly several elements of the connection between liberal democracy and religion. This topic is decisive in much of Richard Neuhaus’ work. Conserving liberty is a central task today, and religion’s place in this task important, although controversial."(...)Pozycja The place of religion in the American public square: Christianity, civil religion, and the enduring contribution of Richard John Neuhaus(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2011) McClay, Wilfred M."It is a rather daunting task to address the place of religion in American public life. The question is so rich, so complex, and often so divisive, even contentious. It brings together the two things that American folk wisdom teaches us, from a very early age, that we should not discuss in polite company: religion and politics. And indeed, one widely held, and widely respected, view of the matter is that one should say as little as possible in public about either religion or politics. While there are times when this is good advice, and represents the acme of prudence, it will hardly do for us as a general principle. A form of “civility” that is achieved only by our remaining studiously silent about the things that matter to us most, and are most fundamental to the health of our civil society, is not really civility, but merely an uneasy and impoverished social peace. Nor is this the kind of society that the American Constitutional order envisioned. The first item in our Bill of Rights makes it clear that the Framers placed religion in a very high place—not only as the first and most fundamental of our freedoms, but as a mental and moral and social right whose “free exercise” we also are promised."(...)Pozycja Whence virtue? Whence justice? Whence morality? America and modernity(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2009) Bryk, Andrzej"The United States is a quintessentially modern nation, in fact the first modern nation in history. In America all the problems of modernity happened first, and all the answers to the problems encountered have been tried accordingly. In the 1830s Alexis de Tocqueville defined the problems America experienced as a universal problem of democracy, but democracy here could as well mean modernity. The experiment which was called America has for this reason always been a challenge for Europe and the rest of the world, with very ambivalent feelings towards it. For some, hatred of America comes easily, spontaneously; for others love and reverence for her is spontantenous. Both passions come from the same understanding: that in America everything which has happened to human beings may happen to the people of modernity sooner or later. For some, it is a reason for trembling with fear. For others the reason for hope. This hope comes from a realization, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, that if in a modern civilization we encounter a situation when everything has been tried and failed, there is still hope that Americans will come with a proper solution to the challenge. In that sense, America is a homeland of all people of modernity, whether we like it or not, and we may say that whoever hates America, hates today, to a certain extent, humankind."(...)Pozycja Współpraca transatlantycka Polski i USA na rzecz bezpieczeństwa energetycznego(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2014) Piziak-Rapacz, AnnaThe article is about transatlantic cooperation between Poland and US for energy security. Energy sector is dependent on government strategy. Policy should crate protection for society and business. Global energy consumption is still growing. Developing industry especially needs natural resources to produce energy. The climate is changing and global warming is said to cause greenhouse eff ect resulting in droughts or floods. The major energy sources consumed in the United States are petroleum (oil), natural gas, coal, nuclear, and renewable energy. In the last years shale gas has been taken the most important place in the economy. US policy on energy security focuses on research and development. The main objective is to provide access to energy resources in the lowest price. Polish energy policy strategy on the diversifi cation of routes and sources of energy. The political environment supported a few projects: shale gas sectors, nuclear energy and coal sector. At present, the amount of gas deposits in Poland is being estimated. This paper consists of three sections, an introduction and conclusions. The fi rst chapter presents the energy sectors in Poland and US, and the prospects of its development. The second analyzes the nature of the areas of transatlantic cooperation Polish-American. While the third part shows the eff ects of transatlantic cooperation between the EU and the U.S., for Polish, as a member of the Community. This paper is complemented by tables, graphs, and bibliography.Pozycja Zmiana w polityce zagranicznej Chin w erze Xi Jinpinga(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2020) Kwieciński, RafałThe aim of the article is to analyze the changes in China’s foreign policy in 2012–2019. Two research questions were set: How has the normative sphere of Chinese foreign policy changed after 2012? Is the change confirmed by specific actions by China in the international system? The theory of neoclassical realism was adopted as the theoretical framework. The method of qualitative analysis was applied, and the case study was taken on. During Xi Jinping’s rule, China abandoned the keep a low profi le concept in favor of a striving of achievement policy (fen fa you wei) that would reach concrete benefits. New concepts of China’s foreign policy have emerged, such as: “a new model of relations between superpowers”, “peripheral diplomacy”, or “a new concept of Asian security”. However, these are rather reinterpretations of earlier ideas. Not all of these assumptions have been realized. China has failed to build relations with the United States on the basis of the concept of a “new model of relations”. And China’s aggressive postures in the East China Sea, South China Sea, or towards Taiwan are increasing concern. The Belt and Road Initiative appears to be not only a manifestation of China’s “peripheral policy” but also a challenge to the United States. Assertive and more determined in using hard power measures China may be considered the threat rather than the responsible power. Maybe, the signifi cant changes in the international system are beginning.