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Pozycja Transkrypcja zagranicznego aktu urodzenia dziecka osób tej samej płci pozostających w związku(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2019) Krawiec, GrzegorzIn the article, the author pointed out the issue of transcription of a child’s foreign birth certificate, in which the biological parent appears next to the biological parent. It is about situations in which same-sex persons are in a partnership / marriage relationship and one of them gives birth to a child. In other countries, it is therefore recognized that the current partner of that parent should be considered a second parent. There was a problem in Poland related to the transcription of such a birth certificate. Initially, public administration authorities refused to transcribe, citing public policy. Ultimately, however, the administrative courts (after a period of hesitation) decided that the child’s best interests necessitate transcription. Without it, it’s difficult to get your child’s PESEL number or passport.