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Pozycja Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe nr 3, 2015 (Współczesny konfucjanizm w społeczeństwach i polityce państw Azji)(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2015) Bastid-Bruguière, Marianne; Gacek, Łukasz; Łozińska, Teresa; Wardęga, Joanna; Kościański, Artur; Bakalarska, Malwina; Guzik, Joanna Marta; Levi, Nicolas; Clément, Théo; Trojnar, Ewa; Lubina, Michał; Pawęta, Elena; Chiu, Chung-Yu; Sławiński, Roman; Zdanowski, Jerzy; Brataniec, Katarzyna; Zdanowski, Jerzy; Bednarczyk, BogusławaKierujemy do Państwa kolejny – już dwunasty – numer „Krakowskich Studiów Międzynarodowych” poświęcony krajom kultur pozaeuropejskich. Tym razem jest on poświęcony Azji i tej części tego kontynentu (wschodnia i południowo-wschodnia), która została objęta wpływami konfucjanizmu. Tematyka numeru nawiązuje do ważnego i aktualnego zjawiska, jakim jest coraz silniejszy wpływ kultury na szeroko rozumianą sferę stosunków międzynarodowych. Kultura stała się „subtelna siłą” (softpower) i ważnym instrumentem polityki zagranicznej. Wiele państw skutecznie wykorzystuje osiągnięcia artystyczne, technologiczne, sportowe i kulinarne do promowania swojego wizerunku i konkurowania z innymi państwami na polu polityki i gospodarki.Pozycja Polska dyplomacja kulturalna na Bliskim Wschodzie po 2003 r.(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2014) Langowska, JustynaThe article shows a new dimension of Polish relations with the Middle Eastern countries as well as new ways of providing a cultural diplomacy. Subsequent parts are: Middle East in Polish foreign policy, the concept of cultural diplomacy, cultural diplomacy in Polish foreign policy, Polish cultural diplomacy in the Middle East. Article shows the different activities of cultural diplomacy starting from its traditional tools to the latest ideas. It shows the change in the perception of cultural diplomacy, as well as their main actors and channels to reach the audience. In addition, underlined is a breakthrough in relations between the Poland and region of the Middle East – a change in the perception and the ability to build a strategy of a foreign policy based on the transferring the experience of system transformation. Thesis about new dimension of polish cultural diplomacy in the Middle East shows following results: now Poland has something to off er to the Middle East that is the experience in transformation of political system; also with the accession to the European Union, it’s structures, programs, politics Poland gained more channels to promote it’s culture; cultural diplomacy reaches more wide groups of society, more actors are taking part in cultural diplomacy which causes that not only governmental institutions are responsible for intercultural dialog.Pozycja Recepcja obecności Instytutów Konfucjusza w wybranych krajach Afryki Zachodniej(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2015) Bakalarska, MalwinaThe article presents current problems related to the Chinese cultural and educational activity in West Africa, developed since 2008 through Confucius Institutes. First part focuses on theoretical framework of concepts soft power and cultural diplomacy as tools of the Chinese foreign policy in West African states. Then, background and aims of establishment of Confucius Institutes were explained in a global, and regional, sub-Saharan context. Second part describes three main types of reactions of Africans for Confucius Institutes in West Africa. Apart from the general tendencies, described in the literature, author refers to fi rst-hand statements of Nigerian students and lecturers from the local branches of the Confucius Institute. In the fi nal remarks, common features of Confucianism and African values with contribute to „sino-optimistic” attitude where highlighted. They result in enthusiastic reception of the educational/propaganda offer of the Confucius Institutes in Africa.