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Pozycja European Right to Information and Consultation Employees and Employers(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2023) Świątkowski, Andrzej MarianThe right of employees and, at the same time, the obligation of employers in employment matters was regulated by the European Social Charter modified on 3 May 1996. Employees employed in Member States of the Council of Europe were granted, among others, the right to information and consultation in the establishments where they were employed. With a view to ensuring the effective use of the above rights in enterprises by employees, the modified Social Charter obliges entrepreneurs to inform and consult employees and their representatives – trade union organizations – about all financial and economic matters of the workplace employing them and about draft decisions taken by employers, that may affect the interests of employees. The author, a member and vice-president of the European Committee of Social Rights, analyzes and discusses in this scientific study the implementation and effects of actions taken by member states of the Council of Europe necessary – in the understanding of employees – to achieve the above goal.Pozycja Socially responsible business(AFM Publishing House = Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2014) Sánchez-Fernández, María Dolores; Colombo, Ciliana Regina; Chodyński, Andrzej; Huszlak, Wojciech; Milovanović, Vesna; Krstić, Bojan; Tasić, Milica; Denčić-Mihajlov, Ksenija; Krstić, Mladen; Ziarko, Janusz; Woźniak-Zapór, Marta; Woźniak-Zapór, Marta; Piziak-Rapacz, Anna; Džunić, Marija; Golubović, Nataša; Ivanovic-Djukic, Maja; Simic, Ivana; Waśniewski, Krzysztof; Fatuła, Dariusz; Krstić, BojanThe work is divided into three parts combined by the idea which points to the fact that irrespective of the kind of business activity and at every level of management social issues appear and should not be disregarded. The first part presents the idea, areas and conditions of using the concept of corporate social responsibility. There is a reference to other concepts such as sustainable development and total quality management. In the second part the authors indicate how corporate social responsibility is applied to selected sectors and specific activities undertaken in enterprises. There is a description of the assumptions, methods of action and outcomes concerning the use of CSR in the sphere of waste management and recycling. Another area presented in this section is the aspects related to the provision of a working environment which does not pose a threat to the employees’ occupational health and safety. The text also refers to the issues of trainings and development. The third part refers to the applications of the idea of CSR at the sectorial, national and international levels. It describes social aspects connected with mining, purchasing, transporting and producing energy using resources. International tensions in the political sphere have a serious impact on this market, and dialogue at different levels should be a significant element of CSR. Two other elaborations in this part are devoted to the analysis of working conditions, culture and organisational behaviour in the countries created after the disintegration of Yugoslavia. In the final part there is a discussion about how the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership currently under negotiation between the EU and the USA corresponds with the concept of CSR. The collection of papers is a result of a cooperation between the authors from Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University – Poland and researchers from University of Niš – Faculty of Economics (Project No. 179066 – „Improving the competitiveness of the public and private sector by networking competences in the process of European integration of Serbia”, which is funded of Ministry of Education, Science and Technology development of Republic of Serbia).Pozycja Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i Materiały 2023, nr 1 (32)(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2023) Załucki, Mariusz; Adamus, Rafał; Świątkowski, Andrzej Marian; Czarnecki, Paweł; Stachurski, Michał; Piwowarska, Kinga; Hamielec, Marcin; Gubernat, Michał; Woźniak, Adrian; Kościelniak, Grzegorz; Białas, Adam Jerzy; Czachor, Rafał; Partyk, AleksandraSłowo od Redakcji: "Nasze czasopismo przeszło drobną metamorfozę. Nie są to jednak tylko zmiany graficzne, choć i te nastąpiły. Rozpoczęła się nowa kadencja Rady Naukowej, w której witamy nowe osoby, z wielu różnych miejsc świata, poczynając od Kanady, poprzez kraje europejskie, kończąc na Australii. Do redakcji dołączyła też prof. Julia Stanek, która objęła stanowisko zastępcy redaktora naczelnego. W tym gronie będziemy się starać nadal rozwijać „Studia”, licząc na to, iż nasz pomysł znajdzie Państwa uznanie. Zachęcam więc do lektury i zapraszam do przekazywania redakcji Waszych tekstów, które chętnie opublikujemy. A publikować będziemy nadal prace naukowe przygotowane przede wszystkim w językach angielskim i polskim, wierząc, iż w ten sposób uda nam się dotrzeć do szerokiego grona odbiorców."(...)