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Pozycja Time for Uniformity in Inheritance Laws? Survey and Debate(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2016) Garb, LouisIn today’s world, succession laws have to contend with the rapid social and cultural transformation that has caused several changes within the family structure during the past few decades. Have these changes found sufficient expression in the manner in which the legal systems presently deal with questions of inheritance, and in particular the age-old dispute regarding freedom of testation versus reserved portions? This article reviews the present situation as well as some of the social and other changes that so challenge contemporary inheritance laws, the main legal traditions in this respect, and the extent of local variation within these.Pozycja Znamiona typów czynów zabronionych dotyczących utrzymywania kontaktów seksualnych z małoletnim w polskich kodeksach karnych – ujęcie przekrojowe(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2014) Wójtowicz, PatrycjaLegislator describes and specifi es particular types of acts prohibited by means of defi nitions. Over the course of 80 years, starting from the Penal Code of 1932, some further changes have been implemented (both related to the classifi cation of acts and their specifi cation by means of defi nitions). This paper indicates the evolution of these defi nitions, which served to describe the act prohibited in form of having sexual relationship with a minor. The current Penal Code of 1997 including the last amendment from the fi fth of November, 2009 which implemented two new types of acts prohibited constitutes the frame of reference. This paper will attempt to capture cross-cuttingly the defi nitions by means of which the following legislator formed the prohibited act of having sexual relationship with a minor.