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Pozycja Enhancement of Functional State of Children with Congenital Clubfoot via Physical RehabilitationMykhaylova, Nataliya; Prusik, Krzysztof; Prusik, Katarzyna; Grygus, IgorThe formative experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the impact of the developed concept of physical rehabilitation on the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the children. Significant improvements were found in terms of timed expiratory and inspiratory capacity tests in children of the main group: the Stange’s test was 20,74 ± 0,45 s, but became 30,85 ± 0,65 (p<0.05); the Genche’s test was 10,03 ± 0.23, but became 11,97 ± 0,24 (p<0.05) s. The results confirm the positive effect of physical rehabilitation on the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of children.Pozycja Improvement of life quality of the patients with rheumatoid arthritis with help of physical activity(Radomska Szkoła Wyższa, 2013) Grygus, Igor; Nohas, AnzhelaIn the article was carried research of prevalence of rheumatoid diseases among the world population and in Ukraine. According to the analysis of the literature, were highlighted the main elements of the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis, are described levels of activity of rheumatoid process and criteria of determination the functional capacity of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It was found that a sedentary lifestyle, low level of physical preparedness – two factors, that are typical for many patients, who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. It was determinate, that difficulty status of patient with rheumatoid arthritis is accompanied by pain syndrome, deterioration of physical function, declining index of physical health, significantly affecting on quality of life. The article summarized and presented modern views and tendencies as for physical rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It was considered the main approaches to the appointment of means of medical physical culture in system of physical rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis on a stationary phase of treatment. There was determinate, that physical rehabilitation is an essential component of successful treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Particularly, systematic physical exercises improve general health, reduce pain, increase mobility, contributing to the saving of functional activity of the joints, have positive effect on the heart’s work and on the general circulation of the blood and thus, improve the quality of patients’ life. It was proved the necessity in development and theoretical substantiation of the concept of physical rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.Pozycja Improving physical performance in children with congenital clubfoot(Medical Project Sp. z o.o., 2013) Mykhaylova, Nataliya; Grygus, IgorIntroduction. Pre-school period is one of the most crucial periods of human life in the formation of physical health and cultural skills to ensure the improvement, strengthening and preserving the futurę. Materials and ntethods. The study involved 68 pre-school children with congenital clubfoot: control group 1 (n = 34) and main group (n = 34) and healthy children (n = 34), who are the control group 2. At the beginning of the study the average age of children was 4-5 years. Children of the main group were constantly engaged in physical rehabilitation under the developed program. Participants of the control group were massaged and had a medical gymnastics twice a year. Results. The study improved physical performance in the main group: high at 14,71%, good in 52,94%, 32,35% in average. There was no significant increase in physical performance in the control groups. In the control group (number 2) good physical performance in the beginning of the study was 32,35% and it increased to 41,18% at the end of the study. In the control group (number 1) a good physical performance was at the beginning of 26,47%, and went up to 29,41%. Minor improvement of physical performance in children of control groups may have occurred even by reducing heart rate at rest. Conclusion. Average physical performance in the main group at the end of the study was 5,76±0,28 (p<0,05), corresponding to a good level of physical performance and demonstrates the effectiveness of the use of physical rehabilitation.Pozycja Opracowanie metodologii i przetestowanie zintegrowanego modelu rehabilitacji medycznej, psychologicznej i fizycznej ofiar operacji antyterrorystycznejGrygus, Igor; Hushchuk, Ihor; Shuhai, Maria; Matlasevych, OksanaRussia's occupation of Ukrainian south-eastern territory during so-called hybrid war resulted in appearing not only a large number of wounded people who require further physical rehabilitation, but led to the emergence of more than one million immigrants who primarily need comprehensive medical and psychological assistance. Material and Methods. This work deals with studying and analyzing of real or potential negative impact on physical and mental health of Ukrainian citizens ( participants of military conflict in Ukraine, their families, people being relocated by force and others) with the purpose of developing and testing complex medical and psychological model, physical rehabilitation of victims. While studying there will be used methods of health statistics, epidemiological analysis, research and monitoring, physical and psychological rehabilitation, theoretical modeling. Results. Assessment of probabilistic negative impact on a person or population will form the bases for development and implementation of the methodology associated with analysis of risk. It will help to develop appropriate preventive measures and give effective information support to psychologists, rehabilitators of Applied Psychology and Psychotherapy Institutes, to experts working in the field of public health at scientific research center "Human Ecology" of the National University "Ostroh Academy" and Rehabilitation Center of the department "Human health and physical rehabilitation" of the National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, to teachers and students of the department.Pozycja Rehabilitacja fizyczna dzieci z wrodzoną stopą szpotawą(2013) Mykhaylova, Nataliya; Grygus, IgorPozycja Zasady organizacyjne koncepcji rehabilitacji dzieci z wrodzoną stopą szpotawą(2014) Mykhaylova, Nataliya; Grygus, IgorPozycja Регенерація функціонального стану хворих на інтермітуючу бронхіальну астму(Східноєвропейський нац. ун-т ім. Лесі Українки, 2015) Grygus, IgorБронхіальна астма – хронічне запальне захворювання дихальних шляхів, яке характеризується варіабельною бронхіальною обструкцією та гіперреактивністю бронхів. Питома вага бронхіальної астми складає від 0,6 до 2 % від усієї патології органів дихання, на неї страждають у різних країнах світу від 1 до 10 % жителів, в Україні – понад 3 млн хворих, щорічно вмирають близько 2 млн людей. За допомогою застосування індивідуально орієнтованих програм фізичної реабілітації вдалося добитися покращання функціонального стану пацієнтів основної групи, про що свідчать зростання показників фізичної працездатності, функціонального стану кардіореспіраторної системи та показників функції зовнішнього дихання. Коли астма перебуває під контролем, пацієнти можуть вести активний спосіб життя, не обмежені у звичайних фізичних навантаженнях або вправах, у них відновлюється функціональний стан.