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Pozycja Obywatelskie nieposłuszeństwo jako gwarancja praw podmiotowych(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2012) Pieniążek, MarcinThe article provides an insight into the notion of civil disobedience and its constituents. The subject is presented with the significance of civil disobedience as a means of protecting the subjective rights in mind. In the context of opposing theoretical and legal paradigms: legal positivism and the natural law, an analysis of the legality of civil disobedience as a means for protection of rights stemming from these laws is conducted. Subsequently, having accounted for the views of Gustav Radbruch and Ronald Dworkin, a compromise view providing a solution to the paradox of protecting the legal system by its infringement in an act of civil disobedience, is outlined.Pozycja Ochrona praw podmiotowych żołnierzy i funkcjonariuszy służb mundurowych w przypadku wygaśnięcia stosunku służbowego(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2010) Paśnik, JerzyZ wprowadzenia: "Problematyka zakończenia stosunku służbowego, w tym zwłaszcza żołnierzy zawodowych oraz funkcjonariuszy tzw. służb mundurowych, w drodze jego wygaśnięcia w ogóle nie była przedmiotem zainteresowania ani doktryny, ani też orzecznictwa sądowego. Taki stan rzeczy mógłby zatem skłaniać do sformułowania przypuszczenia, że kwestie te z normatywnego punktu widzenia nie budzą wątpliwości, a tym samym nie istniała w praktyce konieczność sądowej kontroli konkretnych w tej mierze rozstrzygnięć."(...)Pozycja Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i materiały nr 1 (24), 2019(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2019) Zięba-Załucka, Halina; Czaja-Hliniak, Irena; Kohutek, Konrad; Duminică, Ramona; Pirvu, Adriana; Wolak, Grzegorz; Więzowska-Czepiel, Beata; Bednarczyk-Płachta, Agnieszka; Jakimiec, Daniel; Zinkiewicz, Beata; Maślanka, Mateusz; Śmiałek, Paweł; Laskowski, Rafał; Szaplonczay, AleksandraPozycja Studia Prawnicze: rozprawy i materiały nr 1, 2013(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2013) Łazarski, Krzysztof; Hanev, Dimitar; Widacki, Jan; Radwaniak, Krzysztof; Kusion, Mariusz; Milenković-Kerković, Tamara; Waniek, Danuta; Krużołek, Klaudia; Klimek, Paweł; Sala-Szczypiński, Marcin; Kubiak-Cyrul, Agnieszka; Węgrzynowicz-Cichońska, Justyna; Huszcza, Martyna; Widacki, JanPozycja Własność i dziedziczenie w polskiej konstytucji z 1997 r. (na tle uregulowań konstytucji wybranych państw)(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2019) Zięba-Załucka, HalinaPrivate property and inheritance are legal institutions linked by an inseparable genetic and functional link. This is reflected not only in the content of the legal provisions governing these institutions, but also in the constitutional provisions that govern jointly ownership and succession. The right of inheritance does not exist in any of the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997 on its own, but always along with the ownership, which indicates a close relationship and mutual dependence. The Polish Constitution refers to the protection of property and the right to inheritance in two articles, i.e. Articles 21 and 64. According to Article 21, the Republic of Poland “shall protect property and the right to inheritance”, and thus points to the system principle, while Article 64 is included in Chapter II, which is entitled “Freedoms, Rights, and Obligations of Man and Citizen” and thus refers to the status of an individual in the state. The author shows Polish solutions and reviews the regulations in this area in contemporary constitutions in order to present several models of constitutional solutions, however, two of them should be given special attention. In the former the constitution specifies the right of ownership and inheritance, the latter, points out that the right of inheritance must be derived from the right of ownership. A similar situation exists in international law, where some international agreements relate directly to inheritance, while others guarantee only the right to property, while the right to inheritance is derived from it by doctrine and jurisprudence. There is a similar situation in international law, where some international agreements relate directly to inheritance, while others guarantee only the right to property, and the right to inheritance is derived from it by doctrine and jurisprudence. An important issue which, according to the author, is worth considering is the fact that some constitutions treat ownership and inheritance law as a system principle, while others include it in the chapters on the status of an individual in terms of subjective law. Contemporary constitutions consolidate and develop the principles of property protection differently from the old constitutions, namely they emphasise the new approach to property relations, which presupposes an obligatory consideration of state interests, on the condition that the rights of individual persons are not opposed to the rights and public interests.