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Pozycja Dezinformacja i politycznie ukierunkowana informacja. Historyczne tło chaosu informacyjnego towarzyszącego wojnie Izraela z Hamasem i aktom terroryzmu krajowego(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2023) Ludwikowski, Rett R.The article consists of several basic components, in which legal-historical and legal-comparative methodologies were used. The main goal of this research was to explain one of several reasons for the frightening statistics indicating an increase in violence and suicide by juvenile delinquents in the United States. The article assumed that one of the factors that has not been sufficiently exposed is disinformation or lack of information about the threats to which the society is exposed. Events in the Middle East, sparked by Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, added another example of a conflict that seemingly began in the absence of information about what Hamas wanted to gain by its invasion. With a more detailed observation of this action, it should be noted that the question of whether it was a deliberate disinformation or lack of information is becoming more and more justified. These examples assume that a historical analysis of the effects of disinformation or a lack of knowledge about the political, social or economic causes of past conflicts can prevent new forthcoming problems.