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Pozycja Czas wolny dziecka a praca zawodowa rodziców(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2011) Smolik, KatarzynaA family is a community which forms a natural and unique environment where a person is born, develops and grows up. It is one of the reasons why it is an important object of research. Although there have been many changes in the functioning of families – some of them worrying – and even though a family encounters a lot of obstacles relating to children’s upbringing, a family remains a fundamental and the most important social group. Spending time together by family members has a special place in forming a family community. Leisure time is indispensable for a proper functioning of an individual in their social environment. Children need help mostly from their parents to be able to use their free time well. This is why one of the most important roles a family has to play is to teach free time management. New, changing living conditions of a family raise a number of questions. This thesis includes a report of research relating to participation of professionally active parents in organizing their children’s free time and provides answers to these questions: What are the current forms of spending free time by children and adolescents?, and Do members of families spend their time together and how? This research was conducted in Wadowice district.Pozycja Poland - Serbia : the challenges of the scientific cooperation(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2010) Babić, Verica; Budzowski, Klemens; Devetaković, Stevan; Djordjević, Momčilo; Erić, Jelena; Furtula, Srdjan; Jovanović Gavrilović, Biljana; Grabiński, Tadeusz; Leković, Vlastimir; Lisiński, Marek; Makojević, Nikola; Maksimović, Ljiljana; Malinić, Slobodan D.; Marković, Dragana; Mikułowski Pomorski, Jerzy; Milovanović, Vesna; Niestrój, Roman; Paszek, Zbigniew; Pomianek, Tadeusz; Radosavljević, Gordana; Rozmus, Andrzej; Stančić, Predrag; Stančić, Vladimir; Stefanović, Radoslav; Stojanović Aleksić, Vesna; Šapić, Srdjan; Veselinović, Petar; Vuksanović, EmilijaForeword: "This book contains the collection of 21 academic articles (arranged alphabetically according to the names of the Authors) dedicated to Professor Iliija Rosić, former Rector of Kragujevae University and the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, who died on January 11,2008.The book contains the preface, a biographical note including a complete list of acadcmic achievements, as well as the outline of Professor Rosic’s scholarly, academic and organizational activities in Poland."(...)Pozycja Praca jako środek resocjalizacji nieletnich w historycznych i współczesnych instytucjach poprawczych(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2019) Zinkiewicz, BeataThe article includes theoretical reflections on the importance of work as one of the methods of rehabilitation of juveniles placed in juvenile detention centers throughout the history. At the beginning the author paid attention to the legislative changes and the related evolution in the treatment of juvenile offenders in countries recognized as pioneers in the rehabilitation thought and practice. The issues regarding alleviating juvenile policy (such as advocated dejuridisation and decriminalization while dealing with perpetrators of minor punishable acts), as well as the necessity to tighten sanctions against persons committing serious crimes were mentioned herein as well. The central part of the paper is an analysis of the functioning of various foreign and Polish juvenile correctional institutions from the evolutionary perspective, in which work was used as a key method of rehabilitation. At first the author concentrated on the characteristics of foreign institutions organized as part of historical social rehabilitation systems (the progressive and the family system, and the system of children’s republics and villages). Subsequently, the author drew attention to the functioning of Polish correctional facilities and rehabilitation institutions, in which work performed by juveniles was an important contribution to their development and translated into the educational success observed both in the individual and social dimension. The final parts of the article describe contemporary solutions applied by correctional institutions, in which juveniles take advantage of the constantly widening range and off er of vocational education, acquire necessary competences and qualifications, and are thus becoming increasingly competitive on the labour market.Pozycja Protection of human capital against depreciation as the primary reason for providing compensation(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Oliwkiewicz, BarbaraThe family is the only supplier of human capital to the labour market. A prerequisite for maintaining a proper level of human capital in the household is to provide the employee with a fair wage. A good wage is one that gives the opportunity to reproduce human capital at least on the same level, both in the short and long term. The growth and method of paying human capital is one of the main economic processes taking place in the household. Human capital has a unique character that is characterized by inalienability. The capital is individual and assigned to a specific holder of human capital. However, inalienable does not apply to the long period of generational exchange. Man, as the owner of capital, prepares his successors (children) to provide work and functioning in society. However, a reasonable remuneration does not guarantee full reconstruction of human capital. Families may be guided by various preferences when it comes to using their income at their disposal. Reasonable and creative actions of family members will lead to an additional increase in human capital. However, the lack of care for health or the use of available resources in a careless manner, e.g. alcohol abuse will lower its value. The purpose of this article is to present the role of the family in shaping human capital as well as an attempt to estimate the minimum fair remuneration in Poland, which will enable the reconstruction of human capital in the short and long-term through generational exchange.Pozycja Przejście praw autorskich do domeny publicznej. Studium przypadku utworu „Mein Kampf” autorstwa Adolfa Hitlera(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2018) Pałasz, Kamila; Załucki , Mariusz; PrawoPrzedmiotem niniejszej pracy jest charakterystyka konstrukcji przejścia praw autorskich do domeny publicznej. Owe rozważania zostały oparte na studium przypadku dzieła „Mein Kampf” autorstwa Adolfa Hitlera. Scharakteryzowane zostały ogólne regulacje dotyczące ochrony autorskiej, a także opisane konsekwencje prawne śmierci twórcy w zakresie majątkowych i osobistych praw autorskich. Istotny element stanowi analiza statusu prawnego „Mein Kampf” wraz ze wskazaniem panujących kontrowersyjności. Rozważania kończy analiza badania kwestionariuszowego, którego tematem było przejście „Mein Kampf” do domeny publicznej. Na przestrzeni całej pracy podczas rozważań ujawniło się kilka zasadniczych problemów, z którymi obecnie zmaga się prawo autorskie. Są to nieprecyzyjność określeń użytych przez ustawodawcę, brak ujednoliconych przesłanek objęcia utworu ochroną autorską w zakresie międzynarodowym, stale wydłużający się okres ochronny oraz kontrowersyjność utworów.Pozycja Rachunkowość w zarządzaniu. Historia i współczesność(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2021) Oliwkiewicz, Barbara; Fatuła, Dariusz; Dobija, Mieczysław; Dębska-Rup, Anna; Dziuba-Burczyk, Alicja; Bąchor, Ewa; Świerczyńska, JowitaZ wprowadzenia: "Książka ta, o charakterze monografii naukowej, została napisana z myślą o studentach przygotowujących swoje dysertacje magisterskie z zakresu rachunkowości, nie wykluczając wszelkich innych prac. Potrzeba tworzenia nowych opracowań wynika z ewolucyjnej natury rzeczywistości, w której żyjemy i działamy. Oznacza to, że ciągle doświadczamy zmian, do których musimy się dostosowywać, porzucając oczekiwania wygodnej stabilizacji. Za nieuchronnością zmian stoi termodynamiczna natura rzeczywistości, człowieka i wszystkich przejawów życia. Rzecz jednak w tym, że zasady termodynamiki odnajdujemy także u podstaw teorii rachunkowości, badając szczegółowo fundamentalną zasadę dualizmu."(...)Pozycja Religious motivations for work ethics. The american case(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2009) Kubiak, HieronimFrom Initial Remarks: "At first glance, everything is obvious. Work after all belongs to the specific forms of human activity towards which no contemporary religion remains indifferent. Yet the question begins to become complicated once the questions being asked are finetuned: for example, 1) whether all religions have the same attitude to work, and, if not, 2) whether their different understanding of work implies onto the mundane plane an uneven development of a human civilisation, both in its material sense and that of the realm of symbolic culture, and also 3) remains in direct connection with the eschatological visions proper for the given religion (concerning e.g. the dependence of the posthumous fate of the human on his or her behaviour in the earthly life). Providing convincing answers to these seemingly simple questions is not easy, especially in societies that in the successive phases of their historical development have changed not only their ethnic and racial but also their denominational mix, moving from stable, homogenous states to dynamic heterogeneous structures. Undoubtedly, one such society is the totality of citizens of the United States of America. Here is the simplest of all possible proofs."(...)