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Pozycja Adaptacja prawa polskiego do wymogów unijnego rozporządzenia spadkowego (Nr 650/2012)(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2015) Załucki, MariuszThis article discusses legislative alignment of the Polish law to the requirements of the EU succession Regulation No. 650/2012. Author presents the origins of the Polish Act adapting the Regulation and shows the course of legislative works. His presentation aims to identify major changes in the Polish law related to this Regulation.Pozycja Czy bity są życiem, a śmierć to dopiero początek? Cywilnoprawne implikacje śmierci człowieka związane z rozwojem mind uploadingu(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2019) Szpyt, KamilOne of the most commonly disputed topics in the new technologies sector in 2018 was Artifi cial Intelligence and a probability of granting it a legal capacity. A situation in which an algorithm, i.e. in practical terms: a digital set of zeros and ones, in legal transactions is, to a large degree, made equal with a human being, has stirred and continues to stir numerous doubts also in the legal doctrine. What will happen, however, when we try to reverse the mentioned relationship? Instead of transforming ‘a machine into the human’, let us transform ‘the human into a machine’. Th is is because, in a large oversimplifi cation, it is the eff ect of performance of the mind uploading process, i.e. the procedure transferring a human mind onto a synthetic medium. Th is article most probably constitutes the fi rst attempt in Poland at tackling the set of legal issues connected with transferring the mind, additionally narrowed down to an analysis of civil law regulations with a particular emphasis on mortis causa norms. It also attempts to answer a question as to whether the notion of death will have to be redefi ned in the context of the aforementioned process, and also if the inheritance law, in the face of alleged future immortality of humans, will preserve its raison d‘être in future. Considerations on the legal capacity of the ‘digitalised human’ provided an introduction into the set of issues discussed in the paper.Pozycja International Scientific Conference Family – Health – Disease. Abstracts of Lectures and Posters(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2019) Kalemba-Drożdż, MałgorzataInternational Scientific Conference FAMILY – HEALTH – disease Abstracts of Lectures and Posters 26.09.2019 Kraków Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University edited by Małgorzata Kalemba-DrożdżPozycja Optymalność zachowku wobec przemian rodzinno-społecznych(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2020) Partyk, AleksandraIn Polish legal system the protection of the closest relatives of the deceased is based on the system of legitim. The benefit, which results from art. 991 of the Civil Code, is granted only to the spouse, descendants and parents of the deceased, who would be appointed to the succession by virtue of the Act. Th is regulation has been in force in Polish law continuously since the adoption of the Civil Code. It is characterized by rigidity and formalization. Meanwhile, over the years, Polish society, relations within the family, have changed. Despite the social changes, the provisions of inheritance law relating to a reserved portion of an estate have not been changed. In other legal systems, however, there are alternative solutions in force, which diff erently regulate the protection of the testator’s relatives from harm. One of the examples of such a system is in particular the quasi-alimentary family provision under English and Welsh law. The article compares both institutions, pointing out that the family provision system allows the court to issue a decision that is appropriate to the realities of a given case, since the court adjudicating on the legitimacy of the entitled person’s claim assesses in particular whether the person making the claim was actually (and not only formally) close to the deceased and whether they require fi nancial support.Pozycja Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i Materiały nr 2 (25), 2019(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2019) Krawiec, Grzegorz; Bałos, Iga; Partyk, Aleksandra; Szpyt, Kamil; Więzowska-Czepiel, Beata; Czochra, Marzena; Bar, Damian; Urbanik, Grzegorz; Klimek, Paweł; Kinecka, Lucyna; Laskowski, Rafał; Ingram, ArturPozycja Studia Prawnicze: rozprawy i materiały nr 2, 2015(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2015) Załucki, Mariusz; Kubiak-Cyrul, Agnieszka; Kundoch, Harald G.; Czarny, Piotr; Biernat, Jakub; Blajer, Paweł; Petechel, Nadia; Kuzmych, Oleg; Zaccaria, Márton Leó; Serafin, Wawrzyniec; Potok, Radosław; Rzeźniczak, Angelika; Tylutki, Sylwia; Wenda, Weronika; Tomaszewski, Tomasz; Starowicz, Iga; Kubas, Sabina; Jabłońska, Elżbieta; Maciąg, ZbigniewPozycja Studia z Dziejów Państwa i Prawa Polskiego T. XXV 2022 Badania nad rozwojem instytucji politycznych i prawnych(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2022) Michalik, Piotr; Konarski, Marcin; Witek-Mioduszewska, Katarzyna; Rosa, Wacław; Głuszak, Marcin; Mielnik, Hubert; Cichoń, Paweł; Machut-Kowalczyk, Joanna; Wiśniewska, Dorota; Zywert, Eryk; Zieliński, Piotr; Radkowska-Gizelska, Małgorzata; Kaźmierczyk, Aneta; Ulicki, BogusławPozycja Testamentary Law in Congress Poland on the example of the files of the Zgierz notaries in the years 1826–1875(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2021) Bieda, JustynaContemporary Polish inheritance law adopts the principles of freedom of testing, assuming that everyone has the right to freely dispose of their property in the event of death by way of a will. The freedom of testing, however, is not something obvious and it was not the one that governed inheritance in Poland during the period of the First Polish Republic. It was not until the 19th century that it brought Europe, including the Polish lands, profound changes in the field of inheritance law. The general rule of freedom of testing was, in principle, the first in modern Europe to be introduced by the Napoleonic Code of 1804, in force in Poland from 1808 until 1846. However, the guaranteed principle of freedom of testing experienced serious restrictions if the testator had descendants or the spouse, although, as practice shows, the writers were often guided by their own sense of justice, and not by law. The Napoleonic Code envisaged three forms of last wills: a public will, a secret will, and a handwritten will. The first two forms were subject to a number of formal conditions. A handwritten will, on the other hand, although it only required the writer to be able to write, was not popular, probably because of the society’s considerable illiteracy. Although the right to obtain testamentary bequests was universal, it was not absolute. The legislator provided for certain restrictions dictated primarily by social considerations, aimed at eliminating the pressure on the legislator. The property dispositions predominantly concerned the testator’s entire property and covered both all movable and immovable property. In the light of the deeds of the Zgierz notaries, the most popular form of property dispositions in the event of death was the making of testamentary dispositions in the form of a special clause, transferring all possessed property, its part or individual components.Pozycja Uniform European Inheritance Law. Myth, Dream or Reality of the Future(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2015) Załucki, MariuszThe need to write this book has arisen in connection with my recent conviction that a common European inheritance law in any form (in particular within the European Union) would be highly desirable. Undoubtedly, inheritance law today belongs to the areas of private law, which in recent times, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, have been gaining importance. The solutions so far considered as stable are undergoing transformations associated with many dynamic changes in the social relations caused by an increase in the importance of private property, higher migration rates, and/or other factors that raise the value of assets. This is the perfect time to look at the current trends of development in the law and consider whether, in the individual countries making up the European economic area, any common denominators enabling the possible harmonization of inheritance law in Europe have come into existence.Pozycja Ustawa jako tytuł powołania do spadku rodzeństwa spadkodawcy w razie braku jego zstępnych – czy jest to słuszne rozwiązanie?(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2022) Łapińska, EwaThe aim of the article is to consider the rightness of the statutory inheritance by the testator’s siblings in the absence of his descendants. Taking a position on the above issue requires referring to the motives that determine the classification of individual members of the deceased’s family to the circle of statutory heirs. Undoubtedly, there is a close bond between siblings. However, the lack of impact of the death of a brother or sister on the financial situation of the siblings, as well as the lack of a direct or indirect contribution to the deceased’s achievement of a certain financial status, argue in favor of depriving title of appointing to inheritance the testator’s siblings in conjunction with his spouse. Only in the absence of a husband or wife of the testator, it would be rightness to appointing to inheritance the deceased’s siblings. Legal regulations in force in other countries may be considered an inspiration and, at the same time, a valuable tip when modifying the inheritance law in this respect.Pozycja Wielka eksploatacja małych gruntów. Ingerencje władz niemieckich w postępowania działowe gospodarstw rolnych prowadzone przez sądy polskie (nieniemieckie) w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie w latach 1939–1945(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2022) Mielnik, HubertArtykuł ma na celu wskazanie jakimi sposobami organy władzy niemieckiej, administracyjne i sądowe, ingerowały w postępowania toczące się przed sądami polskimi (nieniemieckimi) w Generalnym Gubernatorstwie, których przedmiotem były działy gospodarstw rolnych. Teza artykułu zakłada, że władze niemieckie dokonywały ingerencji w funkcjonowanie sądów polskich (nieniemieckich) w przedmiotowym obszarze z powodu konieczności realizacji określonych celów politycznych w GG (efektywnej eksploatacji zasobów rolnych). Podstawowy materiał badawczy wykorzystany w artykule stanowią źródła archiwalne oraz źródła prawa. Analizując zachowane akta archiwalne oraz praktykę funkcjonowania sądownictwa w GG dostrzec można sposoby ograniczenia zjawiska rozdrabniania gospodarstw rolnych.Pozycja Wpływ prawomocnego skazania na wyrok sądu w sprawie o niegodność dziedziczenia. Glosa do wyroku Sądu Apelacyjnego w Katowicach z dnia 21 stycznia 2019 r., I ACa 576/12(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2019) Partyk, AleksandraIn the commentary I deal with the issue of the impact of a non-appealable verdict held in criminal proceedings for the crime of deceased’s abuse on the procedure concerning the unworthiness of inheritance. In reality of the case, such a conviction was passed to the testator’s wife, who was attributed physical and psychological abuse against her husband. Th e court of appeal in a case concerning the unworthiness of inheritance of the deceased, bound by the decision of the criminal court, found that the defendant (the wife of the testator) committed a serious crime against him. Given that the crime of abuse can only be committed intentionally, the court took the view that the claim of the unworthiness of inheritance deserved to be taken into account. In my opinion, the judgment of the Court of Appeal was correct. It is also to be welcomed that the court of the second instance decided to suspend proceedings until the criminal court delivered a judgment in a case of deceased’s abuse. After a conviction, the court of appeal correctly decided to take proceedings and gave a ruling on the merits of the case. Consequently, the court changed the contested judgment dismissing the claim and ruled that the defendant’s succession to the deceased was unworthy. Th is was the right decision to make from the point of view of procedural economics.Pozycja „Wstrząsające wspomnienie uzurpacji Bonapartego?” – uchwalenie zasad prawa spadkowego do kodeksu cywilnego Wolnego Miasta Krakowa(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2022) Michalik, PiotrPowołując na Kongresie Wiedeńskim Wolne Miasto Kraków (1815–1846), mocarstwa opiekuńcze: Austria, Rosja i Prusy postanowiły, iż w miejsce obowiązującego dotychczas na jego terytorium prawa francuskiego i austriackiego zostaną uchwalone nowe kodeksy: cywilny, karny, procedury cywilnej i procedury karnej. Przedmiotem artykułu w jego pierwszej części jest analiza prac kodyfikacyjnych prowadzonych w Krakowie w latach 1816–1818 przez Zgromadzenie Reprezentantów oraz powołany przez nie Komitet Prawodawczy. Efektem tych prac, prowadzonych pod nadzorem kierowanej przez rezydentów mocarstw opiekuńczych Komisji Organizacyjnej, było uchwalanie w 1818 r. 297 zasad prawa do projektowanych, ale ostatecznie niewprowadzonych kodyfikacji. W drugiej części artykułu przedstawiono szczegółową analizę uchwalenia 31 zasad prawa spadkowego do przygotowywanego nowego kodeksu cywilnego, który miał zastąpić obowiązujący w Krakowie od 1810 r. Kodeks Napoleona (Code Napoléon). Analiza ta wskazuje, w jakim stopniu krakowscy legislatorzy zamierzali oprzeć swoją kodyfikację na rozwiązaniach przyjętych w prawie francuskim.