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Pozycja Czy „referendarza z Lublina” może zastąpić „sędzia robot”?(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2020) Jasińska, KatarzynaThe article is intended to answer the question of whether it is possible to fully automate electronic writ proceedings, and thus whether it is possible to replace the issuing court order court referendaries with a computer program. The analysis is conducted from the point of view of providing the parties with constitutional right to a court. At the same time, as an important element of consideration, the article presents an assessment of compliance with the Polish Constitution of current solutions, namely the power of court referendaries to issue payment orders. Th e considerations carried out in the article were preceded by a brief discussion of possible ways of using computer programs in justice, including artificial intelligence solutions.Pozycja Independence of the judge civlist in the context of legal stability(Oficyna AFM (wersja polska), 2016) Damasiewicz, AgnieszkaPozycja Legitim 2.0., czyli o robocie przyszłości… rozstrzygającym spory zachowkowe(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2019) Partyk, Aleksandra“Judgment reserved for qualifi ed judges” - is a statement which will is not most likely soon (if ever) going to become outdated in relation to the judicial process in Polish legal system. Can it not be assumed, however, that within a few dozen years, apart from the judges, the judgements will be held by specialized computers that would be able to faultlessly assess the legitimacy of the submitted claims? At present, it is diffi cult to predict whether the so-called human factor will ever be supported or even replaced by artifi cial intelligence in the process of issuing judgements. However, if this were to happen and some of the cases could be recognized by machine systems, it might be an eff ective solution to the problem of protracted proceedings in courts. Undoubtedly, a specialized computer program that could subsume certain “rigid” arrangements from the point of view of specifi c legal norms could also prepare a solution for a specifi c content - based on “experience” gained from the analysis of hundreds or even thousands of analogous court cases. Could such application be utilised, for example, regarding legitim cases? In my paper, I will attempt to answer the question of whether the “human factor” is irreplaceable when dealing with a legitim case, or whether it could as well be replaced by the “robot of the future”, expert in the analysis of claims of this kind. Solving the above issue undoubtedly requires consideration of whether a court ruling on a legitim case boils down to applying specifi c legal rules and making mathematical calculation on their basis, or it requires real person, a judge who could take a human view of the case.Pozycja Reconsidering a civil case in the same court composition when the decision making in the case may be problematic(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2023) Partyk, AleksandraAccording to art. 386 § 5 of Civil Procedure Code where the judgment is set aside and the case is referred to be re-examined, the court examines it in the same composition, unless it is not possible or it would cause excessive delay in the proceedings. Such a provision is controversial as, in principle, the judge will have to conduct the same civil case again – even if they already gave judgement in the case. The current regulation in which the same judge is to adjudicate in the case for the second time may be seen as inappropriate in view of the content of another legal regulation. According to art. 386 § 6 of Civil Procedure Code a legal assessment expressed in the statement of reasons for a judgment issued by the court of the second instance is binding on the court to which the case was referred and the court of the second instance in the case of re-examining the case. However, this does not apply to a situation when there was a change in facts or the legal situation, or when after the court of the second instance issued a judgment the Supreme Court of the Republic of Poland expressed a different legal assessment in a resolution settling a legal issue. In the paper I pay attention to the regulation from the judges’ perspective. I present some observations on the difficult role of a judge who is to pass the judgment in the case for the second time. I focus on the issue of psychological mechanisms relating to the reconsideration of a decision that has been challenged. The paper is partly based on the interviews with Polish judges.Pozycja Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i Materiały 2023, nr 2 (33)(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2023) Stanek, Julia; Adamus, Rafał; Partyk, Aleksandra; Bałos, Iga; Tyburcy, Tomasz; Konieczny, Marcin; Świętek, Anna; Dudek, Sabina; Maruszewska, Angelika; Golemo, Kamila; Kosiorowski, Filip; Mazurkiewicz, Jacek; Świątkowski, Andrzej Marian"Introduction. Motivation is familiar to each of us. We feel motivated from within, by experiencing mental states that we can define as motivational states. We try to explain both our own motivation and the motivation of others in terms of folk psychology. There are many hypothetical explanations as to what lies behind behavior and what motives drive others. In this paper, we are focused on situations where the law stands behind the motivation, which is understood as internal states that direct one’s behavior towards a certain effect. This effect may involve maintaining the current state, or transitioning to a subjectively better one. We will refer to the set of all internal states and the circumstances that affect them as the motivational process."(...)Pozycja Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i materiały nr 1 (26), 2020(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2020) Adamus, Rafał; Krawiec, Grzegorz; Wolak, Grzegorz; Duminică, Ramona; Pirvu, Adriana; Puran, Andra; Andreescu, Marius; Jasińska, Katarzyna; Kubiak-Cyrul, Agnieszka; Partyk, Agnieszka; Czochra, Marzena; Bar, Damian; Kościelniak, Grzegorz; Skoczylas, Oliwia; Biernat, Jakub; Stanek, Julia; Najjar, Kamil; Partyk, AleksandraSłowo wstępne: "Drodzy Czytelnicy, oddajemy w Wasze ręce kolejny numer czasopisma, zamieszczając w nim interesujące spostrzeżenia autorów na temat kilku ważkich zagadnień. Cieszymy się, że łamy naszego periodyku stanowią od pewnego czasu miejsce dyskursu naukowego, który ma nie tylko ogólnopolski charakter. Fakt, że jesteśmy dostrzegani w innych krajach i stanowimy szersze forum wymiany myśli akademickiej, może cieszyć, choć mam nadzieję, że w tej mierze nie powiedzieliśmy jeszcze ostatniego słowa. Cały czas jesteśmy otwarci na młodych, liczymy na nowe inspiracje i zachęcamy do zgłaszania kolejnych tekstów. Potwierdza to obecny numer ”Studiów Prawniczych”, gdzie piszą dla Was nie tylko uznane autorytety, ale także osoby stawiające swoje pierwsze kroki w nauce. Zachęcam do lektury."Pozycja Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i Materiały nr 2 (25), 2019(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2019) Krawiec, Grzegorz; Bałos, Iga; Partyk, Aleksandra; Szpyt, Kamil; Więzowska-Czepiel, Beata; Czochra, Marzena; Bar, Damian; Urbanik, Grzegorz; Klimek, Paweł; Kinecka, Lucyna; Laskowski, Rafał; Ingram, Artur