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Pozycja Legitim 2.0., czyli o robocie przyszłości… rozstrzygającym spory zachowkowe(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2019) Partyk, Aleksandra“Judgment reserved for qualifi ed judges” - is a statement which will is not most likely soon (if ever) going to become outdated in relation to the judicial process in Polish legal system. Can it not be assumed, however, that within a few dozen years, apart from the judges, the judgements will be held by specialized computers that would be able to faultlessly assess the legitimacy of the submitted claims? At present, it is diffi cult to predict whether the so-called human factor will ever be supported or even replaced by artifi cial intelligence in the process of issuing judgements. However, if this were to happen and some of the cases could be recognized by machine systems, it might be an eff ective solution to the problem of protracted proceedings in courts. Undoubtedly, a specialized computer program that could subsume certain “rigid” arrangements from the point of view of specifi c legal norms could also prepare a solution for a specifi c content - based on “experience” gained from the analysis of hundreds or even thousands of analogous court cases. Could such application be utilised, for example, regarding legitim cases? In my paper, I will attempt to answer the question of whether the “human factor” is irreplaceable when dealing with a legitim case, or whether it could as well be replaced by the “robot of the future”, expert in the analysis of claims of this kind. Solving the above issue undoubtedly requires consideration of whether a court ruling on a legitim case boils down to applying specifi c legal rules and making mathematical calculation on their basis, or it requires real person, a judge who could take a human view of the case.Pozycja Optymalność zachowku wobec przemian rodzinno-społecznych(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2020) Partyk, AleksandraIn Polish legal system the protection of the closest relatives of the deceased is based on the system of legitim. The benefit, which results from art. 991 of the Civil Code, is granted only to the spouse, descendants and parents of the deceased, who would be appointed to the succession by virtue of the Act. Th is regulation has been in force in Polish law continuously since the adoption of the Civil Code. It is characterized by rigidity and formalization. Meanwhile, over the years, Polish society, relations within the family, have changed. Despite the social changes, the provisions of inheritance law relating to a reserved portion of an estate have not been changed. In other legal systems, however, there are alternative solutions in force, which diff erently regulate the protection of the testator’s relatives from harm. One of the examples of such a system is in particular the quasi-alimentary family provision under English and Welsh law. The article compares both institutions, pointing out that the family provision system allows the court to issue a decision that is appropriate to the realities of a given case, since the court adjudicating on the legitimacy of the entitled person’s claim assesses in particular whether the person making the claim was actually (and not only formally) close to the deceased and whether they require fi nancial support.Pozycja Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i Materiały 2023, nr 1 (32)(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2023) Załucki, Mariusz; Adamus, Rafał; Świątkowski, Andrzej Marian; Czarnecki, Paweł; Stachurski, Michał; Piwowarska, Kinga; Hamielec, Marcin; Gubernat, Michał; Woźniak, Adrian; Kościelniak, Grzegorz; Białas, Adam Jerzy; Czachor, Rafał; Partyk, AleksandraSłowo od Redakcji: "Nasze czasopismo przeszło drobną metamorfozę. Nie są to jednak tylko zmiany graficzne, choć i te nastąpiły. Rozpoczęła się nowa kadencja Rady Naukowej, w której witamy nowe osoby, z wielu różnych miejsc świata, poczynając od Kanady, poprzez kraje europejskie, kończąc na Australii. Do redakcji dołączyła też prof. Julia Stanek, która objęła stanowisko zastępcy redaktora naczelnego. W tym gronie będziemy się starać nadal rozwijać „Studia”, licząc na to, iż nasz pomysł znajdzie Państwa uznanie. Zachęcam więc do lektury i zapraszam do przekazywania redakcji Waszych tekstów, które chętnie opublikujemy. A publikować będziemy nadal prace naukowe przygotowane przede wszystkim w językach angielskim i polskim, wierząc, iż w ten sposób uda nam się dotrzeć do szerokiego grona odbiorców."(...)Pozycja Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i Materiały nr 2 (25), 2019(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2019) Krawiec, Grzegorz; Bałos, Iga; Partyk, Aleksandra; Szpyt, Kamil; Więzowska-Czepiel, Beata; Czochra, Marzena; Bar, Damian; Urbanik, Grzegorz; Klimek, Paweł; Kinecka, Lucyna; Laskowski, Rafał; Ingram, ArturPozycja Towards the maintenance nature of the legitim? Some comments on the new Polish regulation(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2023) Załucki, MariuszThe system of protection of persons close to the deceased in contemporary succession law is one of the major dilemmas. This is because the rights of those close to the deceased interfere with one of the most valuable values developed in succession law over the years: the freedom to dispose of property upon death. Any new solution from a particular country that addresses this issue may prove interesting for the ongoing development of substantive law in individual countries. For this reason, the author presents the new Polish solutions, which have been in force since 22 May 2023 and which change the Polish legitim system fundamentally. The aim of the article is to first assess the changes introduced and to present them to the foreign reader.