Spis treści:
Eduardo Perez-Campos Mayoral, Eduardo L. Perez-Campos, Fernanda Paola Pérez Campos Peláez, Rashna Juliette Pérez Campos Peláez, From Ancient Oracles to Modern Techniques: The Evolution of Deception Detection and the Benefits of Investigative Interviewing
Jan Widacki, A Handful of Remarks on the “Terminology Reference for the Science of Psychophysiological Detection of Deception”
James Allan Matte, A Letter to the Editor Regarding the APA’s Terminology Reference for the Science of Psychophysiological Detection of Deception
Tuvya T. Amsel, Behind the Scenes of a Protocoled Polygraph Test
Laimutis Kraujalis, Polygraph Examination in Lithuania: History, Legal Framework, and Practice