Aspekty kryzysu rodziny w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II skierowanym do rodaków
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Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM
Six years after the death of John Paul II and right on the threshold of his beatifi
cation the Polish had been asked in the nationwide poll concerning the late Pope’s infl uence
on their life. As many as 83 per cent of the Pontiff’s countrymen claimed that the
Holy Father still exerts a positive infl uence on them. The information was revealed on 2nd
April 2011 on the Polish national TV station i.e. TVP. This somewhat heartening support
of the dead Pope, which is being felt by the Polish, who ceaselessly study the teachings
of John Paul may be perceived as an infl uential factor in eliminating the crisis in Polish
families. In fact, the crisis in Polish families had always been of greatest importance
to the late Pope, who happened to raise the issue in question as early as during his fi rst
memorable Pilgrimage to his motherland in June 1979 and eventually he was delving into
the matter during his later visits to Poland. John Paul II was demonstrating the crisis in
various aspects such as: theological dimension of marriage and family, creating of marital
unity in love, family as the source of life and sanctifi cation, family as the fi rst school of
love. Undoubtedly, the phenomenon of John Paul II was felt not only by his countrymen
but also people all over the world living in the second half of XX century. Therefore,
I would love to draw the attention to the aspects of the crisis in polish families according
to the late Pope during the International Conference, which is to take place from 13th to
14th June 2011 in Krakow.
Słowa kluczowe
Państwo i Społeczeństwo 2013, nr 3, s. 53-66.