1.1 Artykuły z Oficyny Wydawniczej AFM
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Pozycja Aspekty kryzysu rodziny w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II skierowanym do rodaków(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2013) Śledzianowski, JanSix years after the death of John Paul II and right on the threshold of his beatifi cation the Polish had been asked in the nationwide poll concerning the late Pope’s infl uence on their life. As many as 83 per cent of the Pontiff’s countrymen claimed that the Holy Father still exerts a positive infl uence on them. The information was revealed on 2nd April 2011 on the Polish national TV station i.e. TVP. This somewhat heartening support of the dead Pope, which is being felt by the Polish, who ceaselessly study the teachings of John Paul may be perceived as an infl uential factor in eliminating the crisis in Polish families. In fact, the crisis in Polish families had always been of greatest importance to the late Pope, who happened to raise the issue in question as early as during his fi rst memorable Pilgrimage to his motherland in June 1979 and eventually he was delving into the matter during his later visits to Poland. John Paul II was demonstrating the crisis in various aspects such as: theological dimension of marriage and family, creating of marital unity in love, family as the source of life and sanctifi cation, family as the fi rst school of love. Undoubtedly, the phenomenon of John Paul II was felt not only by his countrymen but also people all over the world living in the second half of XX century. Therefore, I would love to draw the attention to the aspects of the crisis in polish families according to the late Pope during the International Conference, which is to take place from 13th to 14th June 2011 in Krakow.Pozycja Autobiografia w rodzinie, rodzina w autobiografii. Szkic historyczny(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2013) Pekaniec, AnnaThe main aim of this paper is to show how model of family changed through the centuries (especially in XIX and XX century). Objects of examinations are women’s autobiographies treated as very interesting archive of different topics – one of them is family. Family in women’s personal documents isn’t only a topic, but also it shapes private stories. Autobiographies in this perspective solidify stories about families and help to settle up with family memory, it positive and negative side. Gender aspects of narrations makes more visible cultural, related with customs and historical contexts shaping model of family. In this text traditional and unconventional families are going to be presented as well as relations between family members.Pozycja „Dom, dom, niby robak, toczy klątwy moc niezwalczona” (o „skażonej” rodzinie na przykładzie Orestei Ajschylosa, Ifigenii w Aulidzie Eurypidesa oraz (A)pollonii K. Warlikowskiego i Ifigenii A. Grzegorzewskiej)(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2013) Bibik, BarbaraThe Greek tragedies very often deal with the problem of family, blood ties and or versus marriage ties. The issue of the value and the respect for the family is as important for the Greek playwrights as for the modern theatre producers, for whom the Greek tragedies are very often an important source for their productions. One of those productions, and undoubtedly very controversial one, is the spectacle of Warlikowski titled „(A)pollonia” which is the combination of ancient and modern texts, like tragedies of Aeschylus and Euripides and the prose of Coetzee, Krall and Littell. Among many issues raised by this spectacle there is also one concerning the problem of family ties. To present this issue Warlikowski uses the Aeschylus’ „Oresteia”, one of the most important European tragic drama. Another staging I would like to deal with in this paper is „Iphigenia” by Grzegorzewska. I am interested in it because of the similar issue raised by this staging. The turbulent and cruel history of the accursed Pelopidai associates both of those stagings and texts they are based on. In this paper I would like to examine the use of ancient tragedies in the mentioned stagings as well as the image of the modern (?) family that is presented in those theatre productions.Pozycja Filmowa twórczość Gaspara Noe w perspektywie teorii teatru okrucieństwa Antonina Artauda(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2008) Kletowski, Piotr"W filmie Krew bestii (1949) Georgesa Franju widzimy przerażającą scenę szlachtowania konia przez pracowników rzeźni. Stary wałach trzymany za uzdę zostaje zabity za pomocą hydraulicznego pistoletu. Upada. Rzeźnik podchodzi do konającego zwierzęcia i jednym ruchem ręki podrzyna mu gardziel. Z rany wylewa się strumień krwi. To wstęp do prawdziwego rzeźnickiego święta. Wkrótce pod nóż pójdą zastępy krów i owiec - zabijanych, obdzieranych ze skóry, ćwiartowanych."(...)Pozycja Instrumenty wsparcia rodziny – ujęcie porównawcze rozwiązań przyjętych w Polsce i USA(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2013) Szatkowski, BernardPoland as well as many European countries is facing demographic crisis. Aging society, changing model of the family and reduced birth rate are serious issues that demand a reaction. Above matters are beyond doubt. However, there is a doubt answering the question what do we do in order to prevent those trends and if we are effective. This paper analyses demographic threats Poland is facing, factors which have impact on birthrate, as well as pro-family and pro-social policy of state. In pursuit of alternatives, solutions from USA shall be presented. Differences in redistribution level, and relation to it will be a subject of analysis, as they should become the source of refl ection and inspiration in order to fi nd solutions for problems in Poland and Europe.Pozycja Konstrukcja matki, która „wychowuje sama” w niemieckim ustawodawstwie(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2013) Kasten, AnnaA mother who raises on her own is not a family life phenomenon, which is not limited to the present time only and is not a product of welfare state as well. Against this background the author analyzes four German statute texts referring to various life situations of mothers raising their children on their own. The article also attempts to answer whether the status of a single mother is constituted by legal norms.Pozycja Obraz kobiety w sztuce polskiej ostatnich 20 lat. Wybrane przykłady(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2013) Kaczmarska, MałgorzataThe author, on chosen examples, attempts to study in what context in the Polish art of the last twenty years does the subject of modern women appear. The analysis concerns works of art; works which refer to the present position of women in Polish society.Pozycja Obraz rodziny dysfunkcjonalnej we współczesnym kinie polskim(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2013) Załucka, MałgorzataThe article, on the basis of chosen fi lms, presents the portrait of a modern dysfunctional family in Polish movies. The author asks about the origin of these abnormalities as well as about the reasons of failure in these families. The author also wonders about the role of the cinema in breaking social taboo concerning family violence.Pozycja Postmodernizm w teorii filmu(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2008) Loska, Krzysztof"Postmodernizm jest terminem równie popularnym, co niejednoznacznym i nieprecyzyjnym, odnosi się bowiem do szeregu zjawisk natury artystycznej, filozoficznej czy społecznej, znacząc za każdym razem coś odmiennego. Z jednej strony mamy do czynienia z ogólną diagnozą kryzysu kulturowego, spowodowanego załamaniem się dotychczasowego porządku społecznego oraz przyspieszeniem procesów ekonomicznych i technicznych, z drugiej strony filozoficzną refleksję nad ograniczeniami nowoczesności, rozpadem podstawowych kategorii czy systemów uprawomocniających naszą wiedzę, a wreszcie podważeniem kluczowych pojęć (rozumu, świadomości, podmiotowości), z kolejnej spotykamy się z przemianami w sferze sztuki współczesnej, wynikającymi ze zmierzchu ruchów awangardowych, zniesienia podziałów na kulturę artystyczną i popularną oraz poczucia wyczerpania form stylistycznych czy narracyjnych, świadomości kresu odkrywczości i oryginalności."(...)Pozycja Przemoc psychiczna wobec partnerki w związkach intymnych(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2013) Cygan, AnnaThe article concentrates on psychological violence against cohabitees in intimate relationships; the author does not ignore such important issues as defi nition of violence, its reasons and effects; she also mentions the results of studies concerning the subject of violence in families, against the background of which she analyzes her own study results.Pozycja Rządowy program „Rodzina na swoim”. Społeczne, ekonomiczne i medialne reperkusje wdrażania(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2013) Majorek, MartaThe article presents an analysis and evaluation of housing policy instruments, with particular focus on, the program “Family on its own” implemented in Poland in recent years. It is worth to mention that the government eventually led to the total extinction of the program and replaced it with other tools. The question is whether it happened on fi nancial basis, or the decision was made because of its mediocre results, otherwise costly program. Finally, an interesting element here seems to be the matter of spreading the information about the program, especially the fact that initially the media did not show particular attention to it. Undoubtedly valuable source of analysis of this subject, in addition to selected, professional books and reviewed papers, reports and analyzes. In addition some network resources, and newspaper articles will help to follow the ongoing debate and help to conduct an accurate analysis of this question.Pozycja Transformacja współczesnej rodziny egipskiej a model rodziny w Opowieści starego Kairu Nadżiba Mahfuza – analiza genderowa(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2013) Kościółek, JakubThis article portrays the Egyptian family known from Palace Walk and infl uenced by modernization, which affected the traditional understanding of the gender roles. To use gender roles as a basis for any discourse on the relationship between modern and traditional family environments, in an Arabic culture, seems to be an interesting proposal. The transformation of the contemporary Egyptian family, determination of the types of characters, and relations between the sexes characteristic of the Arab cultural sphere is presented based on the author’s analysis. The article reveals the condition of an Egyptian family and the shift in its functioning, related to the confl ict between the traditional and modern, in Muslim discourse and social life. The dissonance in the female and male presence in private and public spaces, as well as their ability to achieve professional fulfi llment is its signifi cant point.Pozycja W symbiozie, czyli Doroty Terakowskiej przestrzeń między Poczwarką a Dobrym adresem(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2013) Bolińska, MartaThe article constitutes short analysis of Dorota Terakowska’s works, a journalist, columnist, novelist from Kraków. It concentrates on the novel entitled Chrysalis – the present-day story of Adam and Eve as well as their disabled daughter; a story comprising of great number of layers and wisdom of a parable. It forces the readers to think about painful and important things.