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Pozycja Granice dopuszczalności wykorzystania seksu w reklamie w uchwałach Komisji Etyki Reklamy(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2012) Słowik, DominikThe article demonstrates an attempt to defi ne the legal boundaries of using advertising that employs sexual themes on the basis of resolutions issued by the Advertising Ethics Committee. Issues with the use of sexual themes in advertising have been present for a long time. Existing laws do not always allow for the barring of such advertising, making self-regulation, in which the United Advertising Associations Council’s Advertising Ethics Committee plays a vital role, crucial. Benefi ts of such self-regulation, compared with legislated regulations, include fl exibility in implementing solutions and the ability to promptly alter decisions in accordance with evolving social standards.Pozycja Lokowanie produktu i jego regulacja w prawie unijnym(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2015) Ignatowicz, MajaThe purpose of this article is to attempt to investigate the issue of product placement, to analyze and systematize this innovative legal subject, from the point of view of European law. The aim of this study is also to present the difference between product placement and advertising. The major objective of this research is the introduction to the European regulations, as well as an examination of their history, in terms of both advertising and product placement itself, likewise demonstration that all the amendments of existing directives, regarding advertising and product placement, were directly dictated by the continuous technological progress, causing changes in the audiovisual sector, thereupon existing regulations had to be adapted, to provide equal rights for all European Union Members.Pozycja Naruszenie obowiązku informacyjnego w reklamach kredytu konsumenckiego(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2023) Świętek, AnnaW artykule poruszono problematykę niewłaściwego wypełniania obowiązku informacyjnego w reklamach kredytu konsumenckiego. Ustawa z dnia 12 maja 2011 r. o kredycie konsumenckim narzuca kredytodawcom i pośrednikom kredytowym konieczność zamieszczenia konkretnych informacji o ofercie kredytu konsumenckiego już na etapie jego reklamy. Nieprzestrzeganie tych zasad osłabia przejrzystość przekazu, uniemożliwia konsumentom poprawne odczytanie reklamowanej oferty i narusza obowiązujące prawo. W taki sposób zakłóca również prawidłowe funkcjonowanie rynku finansowego. Celem artykułu jest analiza najczęściej występujących nieprawidłowości w zakresie wymogów informacyjnych stosowanych w reklamach kredytu konsumenckiego na podstawie wydanych decyzji oraz raportów pokontrolnych sporządzonych przez Prezesa UOKiK, w których uznał zastosowane praktyki za niewłaściwe oraz naruszające zbiorowe interesy konsumentów.Pozycja Rodzina współczesna wobec wirtualnej rzeczywistości – między rozrywką a uzależnieniem(Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM, 2011) Gizella, JerzyThere are two definitions of the term Virtual Reality (VR) according to the VR pioneer, Jaron Lanier. The first definition refers to the visual programming technology (especially in computer games) which uses custom designed tools (like helmets, gloves and glasses) combined with special effects in order to achieve an illusion of physical space. The second meaning of the term VR encompasses all the elements of the „alternative” reality of cyberspace in which people communicate by means of different electronic devices. As such, VR allows those who participate in these interactions to manipulate and multiply their digital selves to such an extent as to loose their actual sense of self. VR technologies are used in a variety of professional capacities such as education, medicine, engineering, architecture and so on. Some negative consequences occur primarily with the overuse of VR for entertainment purposes (such as computer games) and include personality and behavioral changes in younger, adolescent users. There are also larger cultural infl uences to consider. The mind of a modern user of new technologies cannot keep up with the pace of societal changes, promoting behaviors which hinder communication, mutual understanding and cooperation. VR continues to affect the emotional, behavioral and sensory aspects of the psyche. The invasive persuasion of media and advertising influences people’s habits, opinions and ethics. One of the most disturbing cultural changes is the confusion of public and private spheres, Facebook friends for family and the substitution of cyberspace for home life.