Aspekty polityczno-prawne polskiej prezydencji. Między metodą wspólnotową a międzyrządową
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The Polish presidency in the Council of the EU has been determined by a financial crisis. However
the question could be solved only by the Member States which belong to the Eurogroup led by its
own President Jean-Claude Juncker and at the highest level by the Heads of States or Governments in
the framework of the European Council. In addition a form of an international agreement was chosen as
an instrument to introduce new solutions in the economic and monetary policy of the EU. Such a form
is not foreseen in the Treaty on the European Union, in particular Article 48 TEU. In a doctrine it is
called a “Schengen modus”, then a way to reform the Union without a long process of ratification of an
amending treaty by all the Member States. At the same time the Schengen modus may lead to a creation
of different integration centers. All the above mentioned circumstances on the one hand have reduced
a spectrum of the Polish activity and on the other hand indicated on a domination of an intergovernmental
method, called by the Chancellor Angela Merkel a “Unions method”, in the European
governance. In this context provisions of the Article 12.3 of the Treaty on Stability, Coordination
and Governance which allows the Contracting Parties, other than those whose currency is the euro to
participate in discussions of Euro Summit meetings concerning competitiveness for the Contracting
Parties, the modification of the global architecture of the euro area and the fundamental rules that will
apply to it in the future, as well as, when appropriate and at least once a year, in discussions on specific
issues of implementation of the Treaty, may be regarded as a certain success of the Polish presidency.
Słowa kluczowe
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe 2012, nr 2, s. 13-22.